Table 1. Infection specificities of CsetDNAV against 28 strains of marine phytoplankton.
Famiy | Species | Strain code | Temperature (°C) | Strains lysed by CsetDNAV |
Bacillariophyta | Chaetoceros cf. affinis | Chae5 | 15 | − |
Chaetoceros debilis | Ch48 | 15 | − | |
Chaetoceros lorenzianus | ItDia-51 | 15 | − | |
Chaetoceros cf. pseudocurvisetus | IT07-C37 | 15 | − | |
Chaetoceros salsugineum | Ch42 | 15 | − | |
Chaetoceros setoensis | IT07-C11 | 15 | + | |
Chaetoceros socialis f. radians | L-4 | 15 | − | |
Chaetoceros tenuissimus | 020710MA01 | 15 | − | |
Detonula pumila | ItDia-14 | 15 | − | |
Ditylum brightwellii | ItDia-21 | 15 | − | |
Eucampia zodiacus | EzB | 15 | − | |
Rhizosolenia setigera | S2 | 15 | − | |
Skeletonema sp. | ItDia-SK4 | 15 | − | |
Stephanopyxis sp. | ItDia-Stp8 | 15 | − | |
Eustigmatophyceae | Nannochloropsis sp. | SFBB | 20 | − |
Cryptophyceae | Teleaulax amphioxeia | Hama3 | 20 | − |
Dinophyceae | Alexandrium catenella | ACNG | 20 | − |
Gymnodinium catenatum | GC27-1 | 20 | − | |
Heterocapsa circularisquama | HU9433-P | 20 | − | |
Heterocapsa triquetra | Ht | 20 | − | |
Kalenia mikimotoi | GmIH | 20 | − | |
Prorocentrum micans | M | 20 | − | |
Scrippsiella sp. | SCKR | 20 | − | |
Raphidophyceae | Chattonella antiqua | CaAR | 20 | − |
Chattonella marina | CMKG-1 | 20 | − | |
Chattonella ovata | CoV | 20 | − | |
Fibrocapsa japonica | F96 | 20 | − | |
Heterosigma akashiwo | H93616 | 20 | − |
a−, not lysed; +, lysed.