Figure 1.
Sample auditory brainstem responses (ABR) from a hearing cat. Auditory clicks are presented at levels ranging from 80 dB down to 5 dB SPL. Responses represent the average of 1000 presentations, and are comprised of 5 peaks: wave I is thought to be generated by the peripheral auditory nerve; wave II by the central auditory nerve; wave III by the cochlear nucleus; wave IV by the superior olive and lateral lemniscus; and wave V by the lateral lemniscus and inferior colliculus. Each of these characteristic peaks shows a reduction in amplitude and an increase in latency as presentation level decreases. Auditory thresholds are typically considered to lie somewhere between the presentation level at which no discernible response is present and the level at which a response is first elicited (between 20 and 25 dB, respectively, in this example).