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. 2013 Dec;19(12):2031–2033. doi: 10.3201/eid1912.130649

Table. GenBank nucleotide sequences of H7N9 samples, country of origin, hosts, and wild or domesticated status*.

HA GenBank accession no. NA GenBank accession no. Year Host (family/genus/species) Location Status
KC899669 KC899671 2013 Chicken (Gallus gallus) China Domestic
GU060482 GU060484 2009 Goose (Anatidae) Czech Republic Domestic
HQ244415 HQ244417 2009 Goose (Anatidae) Czech Republic Domestic
CY067670 CY067672 2008 Blue-winged teal (Anas discors) Guatemala Wild
CY067678 CY067680 2008 Blue-winged teal (Anas discors) Guatemala Wild
AB813056 ND 2011 Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Japan Unknown
AB481212 AB481213 2008 Wild duck (Anatidae) Mongolia Wild
JN244232 JN244223 2011 Wild bird South Korea Wild
ND JX679164 2008 Wild duck (Anatidae) South Korea Wild
HQ244409 HQ244407 2008 Common teal (Anas creccca) Spain Wild
AY999981 ND 2002 Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Sweden Wild
CY024818 CY024820 2006 Blue-winged teal (Anas discors) USA, Ohio Wild
JX899805 ND 2011 Goose (Anatidae) USA, Nebraska Unknown
JX899803 ND 2011 Guinea fowl (Galliformes) USA, Nebraska Domestic
CY133649 CY133651 2011 Northern shoveler (Anas clypeata) USA, Mississippi Wild
EU684261 ND 2000 Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres) USA, Delaware Wild
CY127253 CY127255 1995 Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres) USA, Delaware Wild
CY014786 CY014788 1988 Turkey (Meleagris spp.) USA, Minnesota Wild/domestic‡

*HA, hemagglutinin sequence; NA, neuraminidase sequence; ND, no data were available for this variable.
†Partial sequence.
‡Insufficient information was provided to determine status.