Lamellipodin interacts with the Scar/WAVE complex. (A and B) Coimmunoprecipitation using Lpd or IgG control antibodies from HEK293 cell lysates expressing GFP-Lpd and the tagged Scar/WAVE complex including FLAG-WAVE1 (A) and Myc-WAVE2 (B). Myc-HSPC300 is not shown. (C) Endogenous Scar/WAVE1 and Lpd coimmunoprecipitate from lysates of primary cortical neurons using Lpd antibodies but not with IgG control. (D) Knockdown of Lpd by siRNA in B16F1 cells does not reduce expression of the Scar/WAVE complex (HSPC300 not shown) or Arp3. Loading control: Tubulin. (E–G) Endogenous Lpd (green) colocalizes with Scar/WAVE1 (E), Abi1 (F), and Sra1 (G; red) at the very edge of lamellipodia in B16F1 mouse melanoma cells. Representative line scan from multiple experimental repeats across the leading edge (location indicated on merged images) shows colocalization of Lpd (green) and Scar/WAVE1 (E), Abi1 (F), and Sra1 (G; red). Bar, 25 µm. See also Fig. S1.