Figure 5.
5α-Reduced neurosteroids participate in LTD and LTP inhibition. (A) Prolonged application of the 5α-reductase inhibitor, finasteride (1 μmol/L) during both LFS and HFS prevents homosynaptic LTD and LTP inhibition. (B) When administered for a shorter period prior to and during LFS, 1 μmol/L finasteride (black bar) blocks LTD induction but does not alter LTP inhibition. (C) Administration of finasteride immediately following LFS and continuing until delivery of HFS has no effect on LTD but allows HFS to reverse LTD back to initial baseline levels. Traces show representative EPSPs at the times denoted with initial control responses shown as red dashed lines. Calibration: 1 mV, 5 msec.