Figure 2.
Human central nervous system-derived neural stem cell (hCNS-SCns) transplantation at 9 DPI versus 60 DPI does not affect differentiation into astroglial, neural, or oligodendroglial cell lineages at 14 weeks post-transplantation. The proportion of human-specific glial fibrillary acidic protein antibody SC123+ cells (arrowheads) (A) did not differ between the 9 DPI and the 60 DPI transplant cohorts (Student's two-tailed t test; *, p < .05) (B). Furthermore, the proportion of SC121+/DCX+ human immature neurons (arrowheads) (C) was not significantly different between the 9 DPI and the 60 DPI transplant cohorts (Student's two-tailed t test; p > .05) (D). The majority of hCNS-SCns in both cohorts differentiated into SC121+/Olig2+ human oligodendroglial cells (arrowheads) (E). However, the proportion of SC121+/Olig2+ cells was significantly decreased in the 60 DPI transplant cohort (F) compared with that in the 9 DPI transplant cohort (Student's two-tailed t test; p < .05). Cells marked with purple arrowheads are shown as insets. Scale bars = 50 μm. Error bars indicate SEM. Abbreviations: DCX, doublecortin; DPI, days postinjury; NS, not significant.