twin Is Cell-Autonomously Required in GSC Self-Renewal
(A) Clonal twin mutant GSCs do not self-renew. Control (top panel) and twinDG24102 (bottom panel) mosaic germaria labeled with GFP (green) and 1B1 (red) 7 days after clone induction. Clonal cells, marked by the lack of GFP, are outlined with white dotted lines.
(B) Quantification of germaria containing at least one clonal GSC 3, 7, 14, and 21 days after clone induction (n = 111 to 497 germaria).
(C–E) Rescue of twin mutant phenotype of GSC loss with CCR4 expression in germ cells. Wild-type (C); twinDG24102, nos-Gal4/twinDG24102 (D); twinDG24102, nos-Gal4/twinDG24102, UASp-CCR4-HA (E) labeled with 1B1 (green) and anti-Vasa (red). White arrows indicate GSCs. Scale bars represent 20 μm in (A) and (C–E).
(F) Quantification of germaria containing at least one GSC in twin mutant and rescued contexts, in 3-, 7-, 14-, and 21-day-old females. n represents the number of germaria scored.
See also Figure S2.