Figure 2.
Percent recovery of post-ischemic contractile function in Wt (black bar), Fgf2 KO (gray bar), FGF2 HMWKO (dark gray bar), NTg (black bar) and 24 kDa Tg (line 20: light gray bar, line 28: white bar) hearts following I/R injury. Recovery of cardiac function was calculated as the percent +dP/dt at 120 minutes reperfusion to baseline measure. (A) There was a significant decrease in Fgf2 KO and an increase in FGF2 HMWKO hearts in recovery of post-ischemic contractile function compared to Wt hearts. (B) There was a significant decrease in recovery of post-ischemic contractility in 24 kDa HMW Tg (line 20 and line 28) hearts compared to NTg hearts. n= 8 for Wt, FGF2 HMWKO hearts, n= 7 for NTg, n=5 for 24 kDa HMW Tg line 20, and n=6 for 24 kDa HMW Tg line 28. *p<0.05 vs. Wt hearts.