Table 1.
Items, stigma dimensions and missing values in the HSSC-12, items retained in the final scale marked with a (N = 58)
Item | Dimension | Missing values (%) |
1. I work hard to keep my HIV a secret
Disclosure concerns |
0.0 |
2. Most people believe a person who has HIV is dirty
Public attitudes |
3.4 |
3. Having HIV makes me feel unclean
Negative self-image |
8.6 |
4. Most people think a person with HIV is disgusting
Public attitudes |
1.7 |
5. Having HIV makes me feel I'm a bad person
Negative self-image |
0.0 |
6. Most with HIV are rejected when others learn
Public attitudes |
5.2 |
7. I am very careful whom I tell that I have HIV
Disclosure concerns |
3.4 |
8. Having HIV in my body feels disgusting
Negative self-image |
0.0 |
9. I have been hurt by how people reacted to learning I have HIV |
Personalized stigma |
19.0 |
10. I worry that people who know I have HIV will tell others |
Disclosure concerns |
13.8 |
11. I have stopped socializing with some due to their reactions to my HIV |
Personalized stigma |
19.0 |
12. I have lost friends by telling them I have HIV | Personalized stigma | 24.1 |
Abbreviation: HSSC-12 = HIV Stigma Scale for Children, preliminary 12-item version.
aItems retained in the final scale.