Number of NPY+ fiber area and percentage of NPY+ fiber area referred to the total area of the paraventicular nucleus (PVN) in the hypothalamus of 25-day-old male and female offspring of dams with free access to standard chow diet (controls), the offspring of 20% calorie restricted dams during the first 12 days of pregnancy (CR), and CR rats daily supplemented with physiological doses of leptin throughout lactation (CR-Leptin). The area of NPY+ fibres (expressed in square millimeter) in PVN was estimated using computerized image analysis software, following immunostaining. Data are mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6-8, coming from at least six different litters). Statistics: in case of interaction within each sex, bars not sharing a common letter (a and b) are significantly different (a≠b) (p < 0.05; LSD post
hoc one-way ANOVA test). B. Representative brain sections immunostained for NPY in the paraventicular hypothalamic nucleus of the offspring of 25-day-old male (a) and female (d) offspring of dams with free access to standard chow diet (controls), male (b) and female (e) offspring of 20% calorie restricted dams during the first 12 days of pregnancy (CR), and male (c) and female (f) CR rats daily supplemented with physiological doses of leptin throughout lactation (CR-Leptin). Abbreviations: PVN, paraventicular nucleus; 3v, third ventricle. Scale bar: 100 µm.