Altered expression and modification of Kch1 in response to tunicamycin and DTT.
A and B, whole-cell lysates of cells expressing Kch2-Myc13 (A) or Kch1-Myc13 (A and B) were prepared after a 4-h exposure to tunicamycin (TM), DTT, α-factor, and/or FK506 as indicated. C, assays of β-galactosidase activity of wild type, kch1, and ire1 mutants (K601, CS03, DNY1048) transformed with a UPRE-lacZ reporter gene (pCZY1) in the presence or absence of tunicamycin or BAPTA after incubation for 3 or 3.5 h, respectively. Averages for three biological replicates (±S.D.) are shown, and significant differences between kch1 and KCH1 control cells are indicated (**; see “Experimental Procedures”).