Mutations within the ROP18 basic pocket reveal biochemical functions of ROP18 in addition to its kinase activity that are required for virulence. A, representative blot showing relative levels of HA-tagged ROP18 constructs in parasite lysates as determined by probing with a rat anti-HA antibody. Toxoplasma Sag1 was used as a loading control. B, quantitation of the Western blot data averaged from two biological replicates, with HA-tagged ROP18 levels normalized to the corresponding Sag1 levels. The B5.2 clone was not used in our analyses due to its exceptionally high HA-tagged ROP18 expression level relative to the other WT-expressing clones. C, survival of C57BL/6 mice infected intraperitoneal with type III parasites, type III parasites complemented with wild-type ROP18, or type III parasites complemented with the indicated mutant ROP18 through day 30 after injection. D, mouse survival analysis as determined in C showing no significant differences in the outcome after including the B5.2 high level WT ROP18 expressing clone. E and F, in vivo growth of type III parasites complemented with wild-type ROP18 or with the indicated ROP18 mutants, 5 days post-injection, as measured by luciferase imaging. E, one representative mouse infected with each parasite strain. F, average total flux of all infected mice for each parasite strain. Error bars show S.E.