Figure 4.
(a) Whole brain left FEF and PIPS conjunction map of the MIM values in the alpha band. The left pIPS seed location is marked by a blue dot whereas the left FEF seed is out of the field of view. This map reveals alpha band specific out of phase interaction between the DAN seeds and visual network nodes in both hemispheres. (b) Post-hoc results for the 2-WAY ANOVA with factors Frequency Bands and Visual Network Nodes (F(3,69)=5.75, p=0.0014) for MIM values. The main effect concerns Frequency Bands: MIM for across-network interaction between DAN and Visual Network in the alpha band are statistically significantly greater than those theta and beta. (c) Post-hoc results for the 1-WAY ANOVA with factor Node (F(1,23)=5.03, p=0.035) of MIM values in the alpha frequency band from DAN and Visual Network nodes. MIM values for the average of Visual Network nodes are significantly greater than those within the dorsal attention network for the average of right FEF and right pIPS in alpha.