Figure 1.
The index patient displayed axillary freckling (A, arrow), cutaneous neurofibromas (arrowheads) as well as café-au-lait spots >1.5 cm on his abdominal wall (A, inset, arrow) and small vascular lesions consistent with cutaneous hemangiomas or venous malformation (A, inset, arrowhead) (although not histopathologically confirmed). Abdominal CT detected multiple small tumors (probably neurofibromas) in the abdominal wall and lower extremity (B, arrows). A lytic bone lesion was detected in the right iliac crest (B, inset), consistent with non-ossifying fibroma. Magnetic resonance imaging of the perineurioma revealed a hyperintense circumscribed lesion located at the lateral lower right leg surrounding the intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve in sagittal view (C, arrow).