Figure 1. Acute deletion of caspase-8 induces cell death, tissue damage, loss of weight and lethality.
(A–H) Rosa26.CreER−, casp8f/f (CreER−) and Rosa26.CreER+, casp8f/f (CreER+) animals were gavaged with 1mg tamoxifen per 25g animal body weight for 6 consecutive days. Animals were observed over 20 days for weight loss (A) and lethality (B). (C) Day +9 cecum sections from tamoxifen-treated animals were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. (D) Transmission electron microscopy of proximal small intestine crypts at day +6. Arrow points to necrotic cell. (E) Proximal small intestine sections at day +9 were immunostained for T cells (anti-CD3), macrophages (anti-F4/80) and neutrophils (anti-LY-6B.2). (F) Peripheral blood leukocytes at day +9 were stained with anti-CD11b and anti-GR-1 and then analyzed by FACS. Upper panels show cell size (FSC-A) versus granulosity (SSC-A) while the lower panels show anti-GR-1 versus anti-CD11b. Proximal small intestine sections from day +6 were stained for TUNEL (G) or cleaved caspase-3 (H). (***)p<0.001.