Figure 2. Loss of NS protein in albNScko livers by immunofluorescence.
(A) A significant number of albNScko hepatocytes still retains NS expression at postnatal day 1 (P1D). Starting from 1 and 2 weeks old (1W and 2W), most albNScko hepatocytes completely lose their NS expression. (B) In 3-week-old albNScko livers (albNScko-3W), strong NS signals are found in the hyperplastic ductular epithelium (CK-19+) and absent in the Alb+ hepatocytes. In 3-week-old NSflx/flx livers (NSflx/flx-3W), NS signals are found in scattered hepatocytes but not in the bile duct epithelium. Insets show enlarged images of the square regions. Scale bars, 25um.