Figure 5. CCl4 increases hydropic degeneration and DNA damage in NS-depleted hepatocytes and enhances A6+ cell expansion and biliary hyperplasia in albNScko livers.
(A) Mice are injected with CCl4 at 2 weeks of age and analyzed on the first, second, and fourth day post injection. H&E staining shows that CCl4 causes acute pericentral necrosis and leukocyte infiltration (indicated by white arrows) in both NSflx/flx (A1) and albNScko livers (A3) during the first 2 days of the injection. CCl4 triggers hydropic degeneration (indicated by black arrows) of hepatocytes specifically in the peri-nodular regions of albNScko livers. Bars, 100um. (B) In response to CCl4 treatment, albNScko livers also display a notable increase of CK-19+ ducts (B1, arrows) and scattered progenitor-like cells (B2), both of which are not seen in CCl4-treated NSflx/flx livers (B3). (C) Immunostaining on serial sections of 4um thickness shows that A6 and CK-19 double-positive progenitor cells are increased significantly in CCl4-treated albNScko livers (C1) compared to oil-treated albNScko livers (C2). (D) qRT-PCR assays showed that CCl4-induced damage upregulates the transcript levels of both EpCAM and AFP in albNScko livers but not in NSflx/flx livers. Asterisks represent p values (described in Fig. 1). (E) In oil-treated albNScko livers (grey bars), most Ki67+ cells are found in the regenerative nodules and the bile duct epithelium, and only a small percentage of the non-regenerative hepatocytes in peri-nodular regions are Ki-67+. Following CCl4 treatment, mitotic cells are increased most significantly on the second day post injection in the peri-nodular areas, regenerative nodules, and bile duct epithelium. (F) Most γ-H2AX+ cells (indicated by white arrows) in oil-treated albNScko livers are found in the peri-nodular areas. On the second day post injection, CCl4 increases γ-H2AX+ cells only in the peri-nodular regions of albNScko livers where NS is deleted but not in the regenerative nodules or the bile duct epithelium (indicated by yellow arrows). The CCl4 treatment itself does not cause any DNA damage in NSflx/flx livers. Scale bars, 50um in (A, B, and C) and 20um in (F).