Figure 6.
Embryonic patterning with selective induction of mesoderm differentiation. (a) Schematic of a mouse embryo at day 5.5–6.5 (Top). Schematic mimicking fusion of EBs in microfluidic traps leading to selective induction of Brachyury-T-GFP expression in cells. (b) Fusion of EBs containing BMP4-loaded microparticles with blank EBs leads to selective expression of mesoderm marker Brachyury-T-GFP. In comparison, EBs supplemented with 5 exogenous BMP4 in culture media expressed GFP throughout the whole fused aggregate. EBs without BMP4 treatment served as negative controls. (c) In patterned EBs, the GFP expression was observed only in the hemisphere containing microparticles (red) while in externally supplemented BMP4 groups, more uniform GFP expression was observed throughout the fused structure, irrespective of spatial localization of microparticles. Scale bar, 100 µm.