Neutrophils, peripheral blood lymphocytes, and monocytes show different migratory behaviors in EC/SMC coculture under disturbed flow. Purified neutrophils, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), and monocytes are perfused over the EC/SMC coculture in the step-flow channel, and the migration of arrested WBCs is traced for 20 min in areas A, B, C, and D (same designations as in Figs. 9–11) or under static condition after their transmigration across the EC monolayer to the underside. This figure shows the results of a representative experiment containing 8 cells migrating in area A and 15 cells migrating in areas B, C, and D, as well as under static condition. The positions of the centers of the cells are determined at 20-s intervals from 0 to 20 min, and their paths of travel are processed with a commercialized image analysis software. [From Chen et al. (76).]