Figure 7.
Subjects' aim points in session 5 of experiment 2: all conditions and both task versions. Marker size is scaled to the proportion of endpoints in the cluster around the depicted aim point. The x-axis is broken to show aim points in both games (both peaks of the gain landscape) while omitting the space between, where no subject ever aimed. Clearly, aim points fell close to the two maxima in the gain landscapes (indicated by the vertical lines). The majority of endpoints (indicated by bigger markers) were around the optimal aim point for most subjects and conditions. There were, however, individual biases toward one or the other side (e.g., subject 3 showed a clear preference for the left game, even in conditions in which the optimal game was the right one), and in conditions in which the two peaks of the expected gain landscapes were similar in height, most subjects showed a small proportion of sampling behavior (they occasionally played the game with the lower expected gain). Within one side, subjects' aim points followed the slight shift of the optimal aim point from condition to condition. The expected gain of subjects' aiming strategies in session 7 of experiment 2 can be seen in supplemental Figure S7 (available at as supplemental material). cond., Condition.