Figure 4. Effect of a neutralizing antibody to 1,25D3-MARRS on diosgenin-induced memory enhancement.
aCSF or an anti-1,25D3-MARRS antibody in aCSF was chronically infused into the lateral ventricle of normal mice (males, 6 weeks old) using a mini-osmotic pump. Diosgenin or vehicle solution was i.p. injected for 6 days. On administration day 5, the training session of the object recognition memory test was conducted. After 48 h, a test session was carried out. (A) The preferential indices of the training (open columns) and test (closed columns) sessions are shown. (*p < 0.05, two-tailed paired t-test; n = 4–6 mice). (B) At administration day 5, locomotion in an open field was measured. Distances moved over 10 min are shown.