Figure 3.
Statistical coherence analysis before (white boxes) and during (gray boxes) circumflex coronary artery balloon occlusion for body-surface and RV, CS, LV and RV leads. For each group of body-surface and intracardiac leads, the median (horizontal solid line), 90-10% percentiles (box) and 95-5% percentiles (error bars) are shown. Coherence increased during acute ischemia in all leads (p<0.0001, n=80 where n represents the total number of comparisons: 40 for baseline and 40 during ischemia, 10 subjects for each of the body surface, CS, LV, and RV leads). No statistically significant difference was observed between any lead type (baseline: Kruskal-Wallis test, p=0.62, n=10; post balloon occlusion: Kruskal-Wallis test, p=0.88, n=10; where n is the number of study subjects used in this comparison). For each lead, statistically significant comparisons (baseline vs. ischemia) are marked by an asterisk.