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. 2013 Oct 31;9:427–441. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S54178

Table 1.

Search strategy and paper selection

Database Keywords Total papers: 1348
Selection criteria Number of papers after selection
– Web of Science (ISI) CRM “and” lean health care Exclusion of duplications and papers not useful to answer literature review questions after reading the title and the abstract 157
– PubMed Lean management “and” CRM
– Business Source Premier (EBSCO) Lean organization “and” CRM
– Compendex (Ei Village 2) Lean management “and” health RM
– Inspec (Ei Village 2) Lean organization “and” health RM No conference proceedings, opinion papers, lecture notes and papers of only 1–3 pages, papers with no references, and non-English language papers. 116
RM “and” lean health care
Lean hospital “and” CRM
Six sigma “and” CRM
Six sigma “and” medical error
Six sigma “and” clinical error CIMO: inclusion of papers whose context was that of health care providers, such as hospitals and papers which consider lean health care and its relationship with clinical errors(even if they are only mentioned in the results or in the objectives; IMO) 46
Lean “and” clinical error
Lean patient safety “without” obesity weight
Lean patient safety “without” obesity body

Abbreviations: CIMO, context, interventions, mechanisms, and outcomes; CRM, clinical resource management; IMO, interventions, mechanisms and achieved outcomes; RM, resource management.