Figure 3.
Scoring of BAC pools for the presence of SNPs with two methods. The coordinates of BAC clones which were shown to contain genes BnaA.PKp3.a and BnaC.PKp3.a according to the results of colony hybridizations and locus assignment studies served as reference for the scoring of the BAC pools with oligonucleotide pool SNP assays. The results of the optimized scoring method (for details please refer to the text) are marked with stars the other data were obtained with the clustering algorithm in GenomeStudio Data Analysis Software v2011.1. Grey shading indicates the number of BAC pools that were identified with a particular SNP assay (#…) and corresponded to known BAC coordinates. Red boxes refer to the number of BAC pools representing known BAC coordinates but that were not detected with the SNP assays. Green shading highlights the number of identified pools that did not coincide with known BAC coordinates. The pools of the different dimensions are abbreviated in the same way as shown in Figure 1.