Figure 3. Mutual information (MI) selection of PGT-123 epitope positions.
The redundancy spectrum produced by application of the mutual information classification algorithm to the neutralization activity of bnMAb PGT-123 against a panel of 141 HIV-1 pseudoviruses (cf. Table S1) using an IC50 cutoff of 10 µg/ml. The ordinate records the computed redundancy of the residue identity in each position with the observed neutralization activity. The abscissa lists the positions of the protein in decreasing order of redundancy. The dashed line indicates the cutoff computed by the shuffling procedure described in Materials and Methods, Rcutoff = 0.15, above which redundancy values should be considered statistically significant. These results suggest that the three top ranked positions – respectively, 332, 334 and 330– be retained in the model (cf. Table 1). For clarity of viewing, plots are terminated at the 100-component model.