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. 2013 Winter;12(4):687–700. doi: 10.1187/cbe.12-08-0114

Table 4.

Scoring rubric for assessment of visual analysis

Visual element 3 points 2 points 1 point
Composition Observes accurately the arrangement of figures/objects without missing any one; comments on the way they relate to each other; uses effective descriptive language Observes and describes the general arrangement of objects/figures, focusing on the largest without noting detail Makes general observations about the figures/objects in the scene without much description or commentary on their relationships
Space and setting Describes accurately the space that the figures/objects occupy, including the use of perspective; finds the most appropriate words to describe it; identifies the setting and discusses the spatial division, i.e., mentions fore-, middle, and background of the work Identifies the setting, makes general comments about the work's spatial characteristics; uses appropriate words; does not note the use of perspective or the spatial division of the pictorial field Identifies the setting but does not account for any of the spatial characteristics; no attempt at finding accurate language
Scale and viewpoint Describes accurately the scale and point of view (viewer's position vis-à-vis the image); finds the most appropriate words to use in the description; comments on any distortions Exhibits awareness of the scale of figures/objects and the viewpoint and their importance, but mentions them in an indirect way Shows some recognition of scale and viewpoint; refers to one or the other in vague terms
Colors Observes keenly the use of colors and where they appear in the pictorial field; uses adjectives that precisely describe the colors; comments on the repetition of certain colors or their intensity/saturation; comments on any unnaturalistic use of color; possibly notes handling of paint Recognizes and describes the colors with brief mention of some of the following: repetition, different shades, saturation, unnaturalistic use, paint handling Mentions only the most prominent colors and what/where they describe; no mention of repetition, shades, etc.
Lines and shapes Observes the use of (different kinds of) line (and outlines) and comments on the shapes in general (geometric, organic, etc.); comments on how shapes are constructed, whether through line or color (brushstroke, staining) and their overall effect Comments on the type(s) of shapes in the work and the overall effect they produce; some recognition of lines and outlines Basic description of shapes with little or no commentary on line
Light and light source Notes the source (and direction) of illumination, including the play of light and dark it produces; comments on how lighting affects (shadows, light-dark contrast) the picture and whether it is (or is not) realistic Comments on light source or overall quality of light; notes the effect that light is producing Recognizes the general quality of light or mentions light in regard to a particular time of day
Main theme or event correctly identified, artist's choices analyzed, offering an interpretation Identifies correctly what is happening in the image (or points out the absence of any action); analyzes the meaning that all visual components advance together as a whole and offers personal interpretation/take on the scene Identifies the scene, but in vague terms, and offers an interpretation only loosely based on the visual evidence without much justification for said interpretation Only partially (or not at all) identifies the scene and with only a rudimentary interpretation (or none)