Figure 3. Co-localization of the nApoECF antibody with caspase-cleaved tau.
(A–C): Representative immunofluorescence double-labeling in Case #4 (Table 1) within the CA1 region of the hippocampus in Pick's disease utilizing the nApoECF antibody (green, Panel A), caspase-cleaved tau (red, Panel B) and with the overlap image shown in Panel C. All scale bars represent 10 µm. (D): Quantification of Pick bodies double-labeled by TauC3 (caspase-cleaved tau) and nApoECF in area CA1 of the hippocampus. Data show the number of Pick bodies labeled with nApoECF alone (blue bar), Tauc3 alone (green bar) or those Pick bodies that were labeled with both antibodies (red bar). Pick bodies were identified in a 20× field within area CA1 by immunofluorescence overlap microscopy (n = 3 fields for 4 different Pick cases) ±S.D., *p<0.05. Data indicated that roughly 75% of all labeled Pick bodies within area CA1 were co-localized with both antibodies. (E–G): Double-labeled confocal immunofluorescence images with the nApoECF antibody (green, E), PHF-1 (red, F), and the two images overlapped (G). (H): High magnification confocal overlapped image representing nApoECF (green channel, left), TauC3 (red channel, middle), and overlapped image (yellow/orange, right). Scale bars in Panel H represent 5 µm.