Figure 5.
Decreased telomere sister chromatid exchanges at dysfunctional telomeres in the absence of mIno80. (A) Immunostaining for γ-H2AX-positive dysfunctional telomere-induced DNA damage foci (TIFs) following 72 h expression of TPP1ΔRD in CAG-CreER; mIno80F/F MEFs with or without 4-HT treatment. Arrowheads point to TIFs. (B) Quantification of A for percentage of cells with > 4 TIFs. At least 100 cells were counted per genotype. Error bars represent s.e.m. n.s.: P-value does not reach significance. (C) Representative metaphase spreads for chromosome orientation FISH in cells expressing either TPP1ΔRD or vector control in CAG-CreER; mIno80F/F MEFs with or without 4-HT treatment. Arrowheads indicate the presence of telomere sister chromatid exchanges (T-SCEs). (D) Quantification of T-SCEs observed in C. Error bars represent s.e.m. and asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (**P < 0.005, Student's t-test). (E) Immunoblot analysis for expression levels of HA-TPP1ΔRD, p-CHK1, total and p-CHK2, and γ-tubulin in CAG-CreER; mIno80+/+ or CAG-CreER; mIno80F/F MEFs expressing TPP1ΔRD, with or without 4-HT treatment.