Table 1.
Interventions for which coverage is being accelerated, including the indicator definition used in the model and the intervention target coverage
Coverage intervention | Indicator definition used in model | 2013 Target |
Antenatal Care | Proportion of live births in the previous 2 years for which the mother attended four or more antenatal care visits during the pregnancy (ANC4+). | 80% |
Pregnant women protected via intermittent preventive treatment of malaria (IPT) or sleeping under an insecticide-treated bed net (ITN) | Proportion of live births in the previous 2 years for which the mother received 2+ doses of SP/Fansidar during pregnancy. | 70% |
Proportion of households that own at least one ITN. | ||
Skilled birth attendance (SBA) | Proportion of live births in the previous 2 years attended by a skilled attendant, including doctors, nurses, midwives or auxiliary midwives. | 60% |
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life | Proportion of children <1 month receiving only breast milk. | 20% |
Proportion of children 1-5 months receiving only breast milk. | 20% | |
Vitamin A Supplementation | Proportion of children 6-59 months of age receiving at least 1 dose of vitamin A during the last 6 months. | 90% |
Insecticide treated bed nets or indoor residual spraying | Proportion of households owning at least 1 insecticide treated bed net. | 70% |
Case management of diarrhea (ORS) | Proportion of children with suspected diarrhea treated with oral rehydration solution. | 60% |
Zinc for treatment of diarrhea | Proportion of children 6-59 months of age with suspected diarrhea treated with zinc | 60% |
Case management of pneumonia (oral antibiotics) | Proportion of children with suspected pneumonia treated with appropriate antibiotics. | 50% |
Case management of malaria (ACTs) | Proportion of children treated within 24 hours of the onset of fever in malaria endemic areas with an artemisinin combination therapy. | 70% |