Figure 5.
Beamforming source estimates for the overlap between Then vs. Now and There vs. Here contrasts in the theta (4–8 Hz) frequency. Axial, sagittal, and coronal views (left to right) of group (n = 11) SAM pseudo-F source estimates overlayed on the Colin template. Note that in all images right and left sides are crossed. Green, orange and red indicate Then, There and overlap between conditions, respectively. Top: left paracentral lobule and precuneus (cluster 3, Table 3). In the sagittal view, the same cluster (red) is compared with left cingulate/precuneus activity (cyan) for the Timelesness/Spacelessness overlap (cluster 2, Table 3). Note the clear separation between the superior cluster found in the Then/There overlap, and the inferior cluster found for the Timelesness/Spacelessness overlap; Center: right precentral and middle frontal gyrus (cluster 2, Table 3); Bottom: posterior parietal lobule (cluster 1, Table 3).