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. 2013 Sep 17;12:330. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-12-330

Table 1.

Definitions used in this study*

Complication Description
Cerebral malaria
Altered state of consciousness (irreversible coma), unconsciousness with the possibility of waking up, prostration, extreme weakness (patient cannot sit or stand), generalized convulsions or behavioral disturbance.
Renal complication
Serum creatinine > 3.0 mg/dl and/or urine vol < 400 ml in 24 hours (adults) or <12 ml/kg of body weight in 24 hours (children)
Lung or respiratory distress syndrome
Increased respiratory rate at admission, presence of abnormal lung sounds, such as wheezing, rhonchi, rales, and radiographic changes consistent with pulmonary oedema.
Systolic blood pressure <70 mm Hg in adults or <50 mm Hg in children.
Glucose < 40 mg/dl.
Uncontrollable and frequent vomiting, >5 times in 24 hours, which prevents anti-malarial treatment orally.
Axillary temperature >39.5°C
Severe anemia
Haematocrit < 15% or Hb <5 g/dl, Spontaneous bleeding or disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), acidaemia/acidosis (clinical signs), macroscopic haemoglobinuria
Complicated malaria case
Any patient with probable case of malaria complicated by the presence of asexual (trophozoites/schizonts) of P. falciparum confirmed by parasitological examination and who has been ruled out another etiology, or any patient with confirmed cases of malaria with >50,000 parasite asexual forms /μL (hyperparasitaemia)
Death from malaria
Patient with signs and symptoms of complicated malaria, with confirmed diagnose of P. falciparum (or P. vivax) or associated infection.
Complication hepatic jaundice Total serum bilirubin >3 mg/dl and altered liver function tests.

* SIVIGILA definitions.