Figure 3.
Behavior test. A and E, Microphotography of HIPPO and OB shows the cannula trajectory (4X). B and F, Graphs show the latency to find the piece of buried chocolate of ovariectomized animals tested 24 h, 8 and 15 days after HIPPO (B) or OB injection (F). A-β25-35 injection alone (grey columns). Treatment with E2 (black columns). C and G, Graph shows mean investigation time(s) invested by ovariectomized animals to habituate/dishabituate to lemon and vanilla odors, experimental groups tested at 24 h, 8 and 15 days after A-β injection in HIPPO and a group received E2 + A-β (C, graph) or OB (G, graph). D and H, Graphs show percentage of spontaneous alternation triplets in a T-maze of same experimental (grey columns, A-β groups, black columns A-β + E2 treatment) and control groups, white columns. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001.