Figure 2. LIN28B binds to 3′UTRs and CDS of protein-coding genes and interacts with let-7 precursors. (A) Distribution of LIN28B-binding sites in conservative sequence clusters to non-coding RNAs and different transcript regions (5′UTR, CDS and 3′UTR) of protein-coding genes. (B) Identified LIN28B-binding sites in let-7b and let-7f1 precursors. Mature microRNA sequences (light-blue), biochemically identified GGAG motif (encircled) and weighted PAR-CLIP transition sites (yellow-orange) are indicated. Structures are adapted from RNAfold (ViennaRNA). (C) Alignment of sequence coverage signal and diagnostic nucleotide transitions observed in 4SU (1) (blue), 4SU (2) (orange) and 6SG (dark red) libraries to the genomic region encoding let-7b precursor.