Physical map of D7S630 region and structure of the deletion allele. Locations of deletion boundaries are given on the top genomic contig line as positions in NT_017168.5 (accession number GI:15298273). Arrows labeled PFB1 and PRB1 indicate the location of primers used to amplify del-D7S630. Arrows labeled PFA1 and PRA1 indicate the location of primers used to amplify del-D7S630-A (table 1 and fig. 3D). Genetic markers, with locations in NT_017168.5 given in parentheses, are as follows: 1, 2127-CT (3534931); 2, 2127-CA1 (3484630); 3, 2127-GT (3466041); 4, 2127-ATCT (3457424); 5, D7S630 (3452308); 6, 4746-TET (3412376); 7, 4746-CA (3398684); 8, rs1016807 (3370218); and 9, 4746-GT (3324233). GenScan-predicted genes are shown as unblackened arrows, and an EST-predicted gene is shown as a blackened arrow.