Figure 7.
Percent of major pigments present in the five samples, coded A–E. Note: Me-Pr g7, 152-Me-phytyl-rhodin g7 ester; Cu-Me-Pr g7, Cu-152-Me-phytyl-rhodin g7 ester; chl b, chlorophyll b; Me-Pc e6 ester, 152-Me-phytyl-chlorin e6 ester; Cu-Me-Pc e6, Cu-152-Me-phytyl-chlorin e6 ester; chl a, chlorophyll a; Pheo b, pheophytin b; Pheo a, pheophytin a; Cu-pheo a, Cu-pheophytin a; Cu-py a, Cu-pyropheophytin a.