Table 1.
Variables selected for this study from the National Socioeconomic Survey (CASEN, 1992–2009)
Variable | Measurement scale | Definition |
Health care use |
Nominal/Discrete |
Health care use: 1 = yes; 0 = no |
Region |
Nominal/Discrete |
Live in a different region than the metropolitan region (1 to 13) |
Number_house |
Ratio/Discrete |
Number of people in the family (0 to 10) |
Gender |
Nominal/Discrete |
Gender: 0 = male and 1 = female |
Age |
Interval/Discrete |
Age in years at the time of the survey (0 to 110) |
Married |
Nominal/Discrete |
Married marital status: 1 = yes, 0 = no |
Electricity |
Nominal/Discrete |
Availability of electricity: 1 = yes; 0 = no |
Water |
Nominal/Discrete |
Availability of water: 1 = yes; 0 = no |
Disposal |
Nominal/Discrete |
Availability of waste disposal: 1 = yes; 0 = no |
Housing |
Nominal/Discrete |
Type of housing: 1 = house, 2 = apartment, 3 = tenement, 4 = hut/shack, 5 = other, 6 = room |
House |
Nominal/Discrete |
Residential status? 1 = own, 2 = rent, 3 = transfer, 4 = illegal occupation, 5 = other |
Education |
Nominal/Discrete |
Ever attending or currently attending to school?: 0 = no, 1 = yes |
Insurance |
Nominal/Discrete |
Do you belong to an insurance system? 1 = public system (indigent, group a) 2 = public system (group b), 3 = public system (group c), 4 = public system (group d), 5 = public system (do not know the group), 6 = armed forces, 7 = Isapres, 8 = private, 9 = other system, |
Hours |
Ratio/Discrete |
Working hours per week |
Ln(income) |
Ratio/Continuous |
Natural logarithm of income |
Ratio/Discrete |
Number of health care visits |
Pay |
Nominal/Discrete |
Out-of-pocket health care payment: pay, sometimes pay, other type of payment, do not pay |
Prevcare |
Ratio/Discrete |
Number of preventive care visits (0 to 90) |
Attention |
Ratio/Discrete |
Number of doctor’s office visits (0 to 90) |
Specialty |
Ratio/Discrete |
Number of specialty visits (0 to 90) |
Emergency |
Ratio/Discrete |
Number of emergency visits (0 to 40) |
Ethnicity |
Nominal/Discrete |
0 = none, 1 = aymara, 2 = rapa-nui, 3 = quechua, 4 = mapuche, 5 = atacameno, 6 = coya, 7 = kawaskar, 8 = yagan, 9 = no data |
Health status |
Ordinal/Discrete |
Health status? 1 = very good/good, 2 = regular, 3 = very bad/bad, 4 = no answer |
AUGE | Nominal/Discrete | Was the care you received covered by AUGE? 1 = yes; o = no |