Table 4.
Estimation result of two-part model for health care utilization for the 2006 Satisfaction and Out-of-Pocket Payment Survey
Variable | Logit model | OLS (Health Care Use) |
Region: |
II |
(reference) |
(reference) |
V |
0.394 (1.38) |
0.344 (1.00) |
0.780 (2.77) *** |
0.220 (0.64) |
0.453 (1.73) * |
0.432 (1.33) |
Gender |
−0.006 (-0.03) |
0.019 (0.08) |
Age |
0.015 (2.09) ** |
−0.004 (-0.50) |
Civil Status: |
Married |
(reference) |
(reference) |
Living in-partner |
0.262 (0.99) |
0.071 (0.21) |
Annulled/separated/divorce |
0.351 (1.28) |
0.119 (0.37) |
Widowed |
0.476 (1.80) * |
0.031 (0.10) |
Single |
0.259 (0.92) |
0.142 (0.41) |
School: |
No education |
(reference) |
(reference) |
Elementary school |
−0.087 (-0.17) |
−0.420 (-0.82) |
High school |
−0.256 (-0.50) |
−0.420 (-0.81) |
Technical-professional school |
−0.335 (-0.60) |
−0.133 (-0.23) |
Technical training center |
−1.212 (-1.69) * |
−0.847 (-0.95) |
Professional institute |
−0.626 (-0.99) |
−0.577 (-0.81) |
University |
−0.229 (-0.41) |
−0.504 (-0.87) |
Work status |
0.029 (0.12) |
−0.976 (-3.53) *** |
Chronic Disease |
0.799 (4.73) *** |
0.022 (0.11) |
Accident |
0.528 (2.09) ** |
0.387 (1.57) |
Housing: |
House |
(reference) |
(reference) |
Apartment |
−0.011 (-0.04) |
−0.114 (-0.42) |
Tenement |
0.581 (0.94) |
−0.137 (-0.21) |
Hut/shack |
0.839 (1.24) |
−0.616 (-0.78) |
House: |
Own |
(reference) |
(reference) |
Rent |
−0.245 (-1.18) |
0.129 (0.50) |
Transfer |
−0.178 (-0.70) |
0.040 (0.13) |
Insurance: |
Fonasa (group a/indigent) |
(reference) |
(reference) |
Fonasa (group b) |
0.708 (1.35) |
−0.159 (-0.19) |
Fonasa (group c) |
0.467 (0.85) |
−0.070 (-0.08) |
Fonasa (group d) |
0.860 (1.56) |
−0.289 (-0.33) |
Fonasa (do not know the group) |
−0.325 (-0.55) |
−0.617 (-0.67) |
Isapre |
0.584 (1.02) |
−0.394 (-0.43) |
Other system |
0.814 (1.35) |
−0.493 (-0.53) |
None |
−0.899 (-0.66) |
−1.243 (-0.66) |
Beneficiaries |
0.029 (0.38) |
−0.048 (-0.52) |
Dependent |
−0.227 (-1.05) |
−0.142 (-0.56) |
Emergency insurance |
−0.181 (-0.47) |
0.710 (1.69) |
Additional insurance |
−0.230 (-0.91) |
−0.239 (-0.79) |
Debt |
0.190 (1.07) |
−0.004 (-0.02) |
Work insurance |
Yes |
(reference) |
(reference) |
No |
−0.547 (-2.86) *** |
0.269 (1.14) |
Do not work |
−0.883 (-2.82) *** |
−0.508 (-1.43) |
Number of people in the household |
0.098 (1.85) * |
0.083 (1.38) |
Ln(OOP) |
0.224 (12.01) *** |
0.079 (3.17) *** |
Ln(income) |
−0.055 (-0.73) |
0.129 (1.17) |
Health care satisfaction: |
Very satisfied/satisfied |
(reference) |
(reference) |
Indifferent |
−0.465 (-2.26) ** |
−0.102 (-0.40) |
Very dissatisfied/dissatisfied |
−0.238 (-1.22) |
-.317 (1.39) |
No answer |
0.593 (0.92) |
−0.400 (-0.38) |
No AUGE pathology |
(reference) |
(reference) |
AUGE pathology |
0.018 (0.08) |
−0.248 (-1.07) |
Do not know |
0.087 (0.27) |
0.276 (0.72) |
No answer |
−0.546 (-3.46) *** |
−0.336 (-1.79) |
Constant |
- 3.032 |
0.634 |
Pseudo R2/ R2 |
0.258 |
0.133 |
Observations | 1,388 | 470 |
Dependent variable for the logit model is a dichotomous indicator of whether a person has had health care utilization during a particular year or not. Dependent variable for the OLS model is frequency of health care use.
Z-score is presented in parentheses ( ) and indicates significance level is presented as followings: ***p ≤ 0.01, **0.01 < p ≤ 0.05, *0.05 < p ≤ 0.10.