Table 1.
Clinical features of 11 cases of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor with RANBP2-ALK gene fusion
Case | Author | Age | Sex | Anatomic site(s) | Size (cm) | Treatment | Follow-up |
1 |
Ma [5] (2003) |
7 y |
Male |
Unspecified abdominal mass |
NA |
SE + CT |
Recurred 5 weeks later after first resection. A re-excision was performed. Five months later, the tumor recurred again and was re-excised. |
2 |
7 m |
Male |
Mesentery and omentum |
11 |
SE |
Recurred 8 months later after first resection. A re-excision was performed. |
3 |
Patel [7] (2007) |
2 y |
Male |
Retroperitoneal abdominal mass |
10 |
SE |
No evidence of recurrence with 3 years of follow-up. |
4 |
Chen [8] (2008) |
34 y |
Male |
Liver |
8 |
SE |
Recurred 5 months later after resection. Died of the disease approximately 2 weeks after discovery of the recurrence. |
5 |
Butrynski [9] (2010) |
44 y |
Male |
Omentum |
NA |
SE + CT + ALKi |
Hepatic, peripancreatic, and perirectal masses recurred 1 year later after resection. Subsequent exploratory laparotomy with maximal debulking was performed. |
6 |
Marino-Enriquez [10] (2011) |
41 y |
Male |
Omentum |
26 |
SE + CT + ALKi |
Multifocal local recurrence and liver metastases. Alive with no evidence of disease for 40 months. |
7 |
6 y |
Male |
Omentum and Mesentery |
14 |
SE |
NA |
8 |
39 y |
Male |
Mesentery of the small bowel |
14 |
SE |
NA |
9 |
Kozu [11] (2013) |
57 y |
Male |
Pluera or chest wall |
NA |
ALKi |
NA |
10 |
Present cases (2013) |
19 y |
Female |
Mesentery of the small bowel |
19 |
SE |
Recurred 9 weeks later after resection. Died of the disease 3 weeks later after discovery of the recurrence. |
11 | 39 y | Male | Mesentery of the colon | 15 | SE + CT | Recurred 4 months later after resection. Alive with disease for 12 months. |
SE surgical excision, CT chemotherapy, ALKi ALK inhibitor, NA data not available.