Eye and inner ear defects from TGFβ2-null mice. (A) Transverse section from an E18.5 wild-type eye. Abbreviations: inl, inner neuroblastic layer; l, lens; on, optic nerve; onl, outer neuroblastic layer. Bar, 550 µm. (B) Transverse section from a null E18.5 eye showing an enlarged inner neuroblastic layer and a cellular infusion (ci). Bar, 550 µm. (C) Close-up view of the cornea from an E18.5 wild-type eye similar to the boxed region shown in A. Abbreviations: c, cornea; s, stroma. Bar, 55 µm. (D) Close-up view of the cornea from an E18.5 null mutant eye similar to the boxed region shown in B showing a reduced corneal stroma. Bar, 55 µm. (E) Toluidine blue-stained section from the basal turn of an E18.5 wild-type cochlea (right ear). Bar, 55 µm. (F) Toluidine blue-stained section from the basal turn of an E18.5 mutant cochlea (left ear) showing missing spiral limbus and interdental cells. Arrowhead indicates wider space between epithelial ridge and basilar membrane. Bar, 55 µm. Abbreviations: ger, greater epithelial ridge; idc, interdental cells; sl, spiral limbus; sv, scala vestibuli; Δsl, missing spiral limbus; rm, Reissner’s membrane; Δidc, missing interdental cells.