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. 2013 Nov 19;2013:289285. doi: 10.1155/2013/289285

Table 3.

The data represented are obtained from atomic absorption spectrometry analysis showing the different mineral concentrations in milligram per 100 g dry weight (d.w) of bamboo shoots.

Samples N P Ce K Na Mg Ca Fe Cu Zn
KC013282/C. callosa 1153m 154g 4070.75ab 3377e 39bc 110f 63.43gh 9.25abcd 6.12g 7.2de
KC013285/B. cacharensis 815g 87ab 3157.82a 2093abc 45cde 74ab 29.60bc 13.15def 3.58de 5.63bcd
JX564900/B. manipureana 957k 94bc 5936.51abc 2343bcd 53e 175i 32.4bcd 16.5f 4.94f 12.80i
JX564901/B. nutans 825gh 104cd 5372.79abc 2090abc 32b 175i 53.5fg 11.6cde 4.16e 6.50cde
JX507132/B. tulda 721c 116de 3701.59ab 1453abc 51de 92d 42de 25.8g 3.19cd 15.0j
JX507131/B. oliveriana 763e 85ab 9972.34cd 2293abc 43cd 123g 60.95fg 10.1bcd 3.58de 4.88bc
JX564902/D. giganteus 673a 70a 7048.98abcd 3093de 22a 69a 37.9cd 7.83abc 2.47bc 10.7gh
JX564903/D. hamiltonii 747d 118de 4305.22ab 1910abc 50de 121g 24.4ab 16.82f 3.0cd 7.87ef
JX564904/D. hookeri 692b 75a 5697.05abc 2400cd 45cde 84cd 73.3hi 6.08a 2.64bc 3.03a
JX564905/D. manipureanus 894i 83ab 6784.58abc 3533e 42cd 85cd 14.98a 6.68ab 2.55bc 4.80b
JX507133/M. baccifera 1102l 135f 10126.98cd 1757abc 39bc 149h 51.88ef 13.37ef 1.96ab 11.93hi
JX507134/S. dullooa 837h 121ef 7098.87abcd 1310a 42cd 180i 56.95fg 14.42ef 1.55a 9.18fg
JX564906/Bambusa sp. 785f 73a 8306.12bcd 1373ab 32b 92d 40.1cd 11.5cde 2.54bc 11.33g
JX564907/Bambusa sp. 940j 129ef 11044.9d 1523abc 53e 112f 50.8ef 13def 7.85h 11.03j
KC013288/B. tuldoides 900i 122ef 4988.66ab 2060abc 31b 101e 78.15j 11.2cde 2.7c 11.0h
LSD (P = 0.05) 13.32 14.92 2858.21 873.06 8.51 8.28 10.17 3.48 0.64 1.55

The mean values are for replicates obtained in 2009, 2010, and 2011. The same letter(s) associated with mean values within column is (are) not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05 using LSD.