FIG. 7.
Effects of iNOS/HIF1 axis on glucose metabolism. (A) Blood glucose and hepatic mRNA levels of (B) Glut-1 (C) iNOS and (D) liver glycogen contents in WT mice after hydrodynamic injection of control/HIF1mut and LPS. (E) Blood glucose and (F) liver glycogen contents in iNOS-deficient mice after hydrodynamic injection of control/HIF1mut and LPS. Values are expressed as mean±SEM (n=3–8 each group). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.005 versus control vector+PBS group. #p<0.05 versus control vector+LPS group. Role and hierarchy of iNOS and HIF1 on hepatic glucose output. (G) Relative hepatic glucose output in AML-12 hepatocytes transfected with empty vector or expression vector for constitutively active HIF1α (mutHIF1α) and incubated with NO-donor (DETA-NO, 1 mM) or NO-donor+L-NAME (2 mM) or YC-1 (100 μM). (H) iNOS protein levels in AML-12 cells transfected with empty vector or expression vector for constitutively active HIF1α. (I) Δ Blood glucose in WT or iNOS−/− mice treated with LPS (5 mg/kg) or LPS+YC-1 (15 mg/kg). Values are expressed as mean±SEM (n=3–4). Means without a common letter are statistically different.