Table 1. Description of models used to adjust the phenotypic data.
Model Name | Model Expression |
IB | y = g i + repj + bl(rep)ijk + eijk |
RC | y = g i +rep j + fil(rep) jk + col(rep) jl + eijkl |
RCB_MVNG | y = gi + βxj + repk + eijk |
MVNG | y = u + βxi + ei |
IB, incomplete blocks, field design; g, treatment; rep, repetitions; bl(rep), incompletes blocks nested in repetitions; e, residual; u, general mean; RC, row by column model; fil(rep), rows nested in repetitions; col(rep), columns nested in repetitions; RCB_MVNG, random complete block model with moving means as covariable; x, covariable as phenotypic value of plot minus means of neighbors plots within grid; MVNG, linear regression model with moving means as covariable.