Figure 3.
Association plot for the association between social communication problems and common variation at 14q22.1. a). Chromosome ideogram for chromosome 14. b). Regional association plot for rs2352908 on chromosome 14q22.1. Directly genotyped and imputed variants are depicted by filled circles according to their GWAS P-value (−log10 P-value) and genomic position (NCBI Build 36). The local LD structure is reflected by HapMap CEU (Rel 22) recombination rates (blue line). The LD (r2) between the lead variant and surrounding SNPs is indicated by the colour code. c). Detailed genomic region near rs2352908 on chromosome 14q22.1 with variants in LD (r2 >0.3) including non-coding functional variation (Regulome score ≤2). The LD (r2) between the lead variant and surrounding SNPs is indicated by the colour code (0 (white)-1(black)). The local LD structure is reflected by HapMap CEU (Rel 22) r2 –based haplotype blocks. GWAS, genome-wide association studies; LD, linkage disequilibrium; SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms.