Treatment for 6 h with Congo red (a-c) and Congo red + isoxaben (d-f), at single CLSM sections (a, d) or maximum projections (b, c, e, f). (a, d) In the meristematic zone cortical microtubules appear mainly transverse. (b) External protodermal cell face at the meristematic-transition zone boundary. Cortical microtubules, though loosely longitudinal in the meristematic zone (double arrows), shift to transverse in the transition zone (arrowheads). (c) In the elongation zone, cortical microtubules appear transverse in the shorter protodermal/epidermal cells rootward (included by bracket) but they appear reoriented in the longer cells shootward (arrows). After the combinatorial treatment, cortical microtubules exhibit random orientation in the transition (e) and elongation (f) zones. Scale bar, 20 μm.