Figure 3.
Boxplots of data obtained during BOLD MRI with two different functional sequences. Sequence 1 used the sparse temporal sampling method to provide periods of quiet for stimulus presentation by acquiring all images of a volume in rapid succession at the end of the stimulus and baseline conditions. In sequence 2 all volumes were recorded continuously. As a result the scanner noise was present throughout the whole scanning session. The caudal colliculi (CC), the medial geniculate nuclei (MGN) and the temporal cortex (TC) were chosen as Regions of Interest for further data analysis. T-values, the mean percentage signal change between active and passive state and the number of activated voxels at p-value 0.005 as a percentage of the total number of voxels within the ROI were calculated for each ROI. Bottom and top of the box display the 25% and 75% percentiles. The line inside the box marks the median, the ends of the whiskers the minimum and maximum of the data. The square represents the mean value.