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. 2013 Dec 5;8(12):e81205. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081205

Table 1. Summary of dermoscopic features, reflectance confocal microscopy and histopathologic aspects.

Dermoscopic feature Confocal aspects Transverse section Perpendicular section
Case 1 Slightly pigmentednetwork Irregular and dishomogeneous dermalpapillae. Dendritic cells bulge from theepidermis toward the dermis forming“bridges” called mitochondria likestructures. An increased number of atypical melanocytes arranged around the dermal papillae. The atypical melanocytes protrude into thedermal papillae forming bridgesthus confirming the mitochondrialstructures in RCM. Disarrangement of the rete ridge and the increased number of atypical melanocytes. It is not possible to see the mitochondrial structure in this view.
Case 2 Broadened pigmentednetwork Irregular and dishomogeneous dermalpapillae. Demarcated and non-demarcated rings were separated byloosely thick interpappilary spaces. Predominance of atypical melanocytes, isolated or in nests, enlarging the interpapillary spaces. Disarrangement of the rete ridge and the increased number of atypical melanocytes in the epidermis.
Case 3 Typical network Rings of bright polygonal cellssurrounding roundish to oval darkareas corresponding to dermalpapillae at DEJ. The papillaelacked cytologic atypia. An increased number of isolated melanocytes are arranged aroundthe dermal papillae and thereare nevus cells nests within theepidermis. The interpapillaryspaces are preserved. Elongated rete ridges and presence of single and nests of nevus cells in the DEJ
Case 4 Irregular globules Irregularly shaped clusters with cellsthat are nonhomogeneous inmorphologic features and reflectivity.Dense cell clusters consisted of largehomogeneous polygonal cells tightlyaggregated in a roundish regular structure. Large amount of atypicalmelanocytes predominantlyin nests with variablesize and shape within theepidermis and the dermis. Compact aggregates of atypical melanocytes with a slight intercellular discohesion, variable in size and shape, predominantly distributed at the DEJ and in the papillary dermis.
Case 5 Regular globules Compact aggregates with sharpmargin of large polygonal cellssimilar in morphologic featuresand reflectivity, forming polyhedralstructures. Mostly singly nevocytes aroundthe papillae (at the DEJ) anddense nests composed of nevuscells within the dermis surroundedby a narrow band of epidermis. Singly nevus cells at the DEJ and well-circumscribed melanocytic nests composed of typical, large and monomorphous nevocytes, disposed in an organized manner within the dermis.
Case 6 Pseudopods Compact aggregates of atypical cellsare distributed in a linear arrangementtoward the periphery with a densenest at the extremity, similar aglobulelike structure within theepidermis. Nests of atypical cells are arrangedin a linear manner throughoutthe periphery of the lesion. Nests of atypical melanocytes are distributed contiguously toward the periphery along the DEJ.