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Cancer Microenvironment logoLink to Cancer Microenvironment
. 2013 Feb 26;6(3):247–261. doi: 10.1007/s12307-013-0132-4

Gene Expression Profiling Reveals Regulation of ERK Phosphorylation by Androgen-Induced Tumor Suppressor U19/EAF2 in the Mouse Prostate

Fei Su 1,5, Bruna R S Correa 4, Jianhua Luo 2, Ricardo Z N Vencio 4, Laura E Pascal 1, Zhou Wang 1,3,6,
PMCID: PMC3855377  PMID: 23440596


U19/EAF2 is regulated by androgens in the prostate and capable of regulating transcriptional elongation of RNA Pol II via interaction with the ELL family proteins. Inactivation of U19/EAF2 induces tumorigenesis in multiple organs; however the mechanism of U19/EAF2 tumor suppression remains unclear. To elucidate potential mechanisms of U19/EAF2 action, we performed cDNA microarray analysis and identified 164 mRNA transcripts regulated by U19/EAF2 in the mouse ventral prostate. Bioinformatics analysis indicated that U19/EAF2 knockout activates the RAS-BRAF-ERK signaling pathway, which is known to play important roles in carcinogenesis. qPCR verified increased expression of BRAF mRNA, and immunostaining and Western blot analysis demonstrated increased expression of p-ERK at the protein level suggested U19/EAF2 knockout activates this important pathway. These findings indicate that loss of EAF2 up-regulates transcription of RAS cascade genes including Grb2, PI3K, and BRAF, leading to elevated p-ERK levels, which may represent a major functional role of U19/EAF2 in the prostate. Furthermore, these observations suggest that U19/EAF2 is a key player in crosstalk between androgen receptor and the RAS-BRAF-ERK signaling pathway.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12307-013-0132-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

Keywords: EAF2, Prostate cancer, ERK


Androgens play a key role in prostate development, maturation, homeostasis, and pathogenesis including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer [14]. Androgen action is mediated through the androgen receptor (AR), a ligand-regulated transcription factor that regulates the expression of many androgen-responsive genes [5, 6]. Defining the functions of various androgen-responsive genes will provide insights into the mechanisms of androgen action in the prostate.

Androgen action in the prostate, particularly in the regulation of prostate homeostasis, is likely to involve crosstalk with various growth signaling, including the EGF, IGF, TGF-β, FGF, and VEGF signaling pathways [7, 8]. Many experiments demonstrating crosstalk between AR and various signaling pathways have been carried out in prostate cancer cells. The importance of crosstalk in the normal prostate is less clear. Defining AR crosstalk with important signaling pathways in the mouse prostate will provide new insights into the mechanisms by which androgens regulate prostate growth, regression, and homeostasis under physiological conditions.

One important growth signal pathway is the RAS-BRAF-MEK-ERK cascade, which is frequently activated in carcinogenesis [9]. Activation of ERK via phosphorylation is a critical step in tumor development and maintenance. The RAS-ERK pathway is exquisitely sensitive to small changes in the levels of or activity of BRAF and BRAF may be the primary target of oncogenic RAS [10]. The BRAF gene encodes a protein belonging to the raf/mil family of serine/threonine protein kinases and plays a role in regulating the MAP kinase/ERKs signaling pathway, which affects cell division, differentiation, and secretion. In humans, activating oncogenic mutations in this gene have also been associated with development of the cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome [11] and various cancers, most frequently in melanoma, papillary thyroid cancer and colon cancer [1216]. Elevated ERK signaling has been found in prostate cancer patients [7, 1719]. Sorafenib, an inhibitor of human BRAF protein [20], is in Phase II clinical trial in androgen-independent prostate cancer [21].

Our previous studies showed that androgen-responsive gene (Up-regulated gene 19/ELL associated factor 2) U19/EAF2 encodes a potential tumor suppressor. U19/EAF2 expression is frequently down-regulated in advanced human prostate cancer specimens as well as in established prostate cancer cell lines [22]. U19/EAF2, along with its homolog EAF1, has been reported to regulate transcriptional elongation of RNA polymerae II via interaction with the ELL (11 lysine-rich leukemia) family proteins [2325]. Overexpression of U19/EAF2 induces apoptosis and suppresses prostate xenograft tumor growth [22]. Inactivation of U19/EAF2 in a murine knockout model leads to high rates of lung adenocarcinoma, B cell lymphoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) [26]. The U19/EAF2 KO prostate exhibited epithelial hyperplasia and dysplasia, suggesting that U19/EAF2 contributes to the suppression of prostate tumors. The mechanisms of U19/EAF2 acting as a novel tumor suppressor in multiple mouse tissues are not clear.

Our previous studies showed that U19/EAF2 knockout prostate exhibited elevated cell proliferation, suggesting a possible link between U19/EAF2 with growth control signaling pathways [26]. Identification of signaling pathways regulated by U19/EAF2 in the mouse prostate model would suggest potential mechanisms of U19/EAF2 action and provide further insights into androgen action in the prostate.

Using cDNA microarray, this study identified 49 up-regulated and 115 down-regulated genes in the U19/EAF2 knockout prostate as compared to wild-type controls. Bioinformatics analysis of these differentially regulated genes revealed multiple pathways that are regulated by U19/EAF2 in the prostate. Loss of EAF2 in the murine prostate induced an up-regulation of RAS cascade genes including Grb2, PI3K, and BRAF, leading to elevated p-ERK levels, which may represent a major mechanism by which U19/EAF2 down-regulation induces prostate tumorigenesis.

Materials and Methods


We previously generated U19/EAF2 heterozygous mice (U19/EAF2+/−) using HM1 embryonic stem cells [26]. Briefly, heterozygous mice were thereafter backcrossed to the C57BL/6J strain (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME) for more than 12 generations to generate U19/EAF2 knockout (KO) mice with a pure C57BL/6J background under approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Pittsburgh. Genotyping was determined by PCR analysis of mouse tail genomic DNA as described previously [26].

Tissue Preparation and Microarray Hybridization

Ventral prostate lobes (VP) from 3 month old wild-type (WT) and U19/EAF2 KO virgin male mice were microdissected from the anterior (AP), dorsal (DP), and lateral (DL) lobes in phosphate-buffered saline with the aid of a dissecting Carl Zeiss Stemi 2000 Steromicroscope (Zeiss) and immediately snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Five lobes of each type from the same mouse strain were pooled in order to minimize individual differences. Expression profiling experiments were performed by the Microarray Laboratory at University of Pittsburgh. Microarray hybridization was performed with a pre-equilibrated Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Genechip array (Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA). In addition, to compensate for the extremely small sample setup (n = 1, with pooling of five animals), we performed 6 independent biological replicates of individual ventral lobes from wild type mice and accessed their gene expression using the Illumina Mouse-48 K Expression BeadChip (Illumina, San Diego, CA). All datasets have been deposited in the NCBI public database GEO with the following accession number: GSE34511.

Bioinformatics Data Analysis

Probe intensities too low to be considered as present were filtered out using the long established Affymetrix default methods. Probes presenting detection p-values smaller than 0.01 were further considered in knockout (KO) vs wild type (WT) gene expression comparison. Differential expression statistical significance was obtained with the HTself2 method [27] which uses self-self experiments to extrapolate p-values for small sample sized experiments. Small modifications to the HTself2 methods were introduced to make it suitable for single-color microarray data. In order to facilitate reuse and detailed methodological reproducibility and understanding, the analysis script written in the R statistical language (R Development Core Team, 2011) is freely available with no usage restriction at: The whole filtered average log intensity range was used to establish the null probability density distribution considering virtual self-self experiments generated from every possible combination among 6 wild type mice expression data similarly as in previous works [2830]. A Bonferroni-corrected p-value of 0.01 was used as statistical significance threshold, which was found to correspond to a 2.5-fold change cutoff. Functional enrichment analysis was performed with DAVID ( as described in Huang et al. [31]. Functional and ontology enrichment analysis was performed using the DAVID web-based tool [32] and Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) 5.0 (Ingenuity Systems).

Gene Expression Validation

In addition to the samples used in microarray analysis, the ventral prostates and livers of an independent set of wild-type or U19/EAF2 knockout male mice (n = 3) at 3 months of age were used for total RNA isolation using Trizol® Reagent (Invitrogen, USA). Animal tissues were homogenized with a Kontes pellet pestle for 30 s twice (Fisher Scientific, Fair View, NJ). qPCR verified expression scored by cDNA arrays of ventral prostate tissue and expression levels in liver tissue (Platinum SYBR®Green qPCR SuperMix-UDG, Invitrogen, USA). PCR amplification was carried out using Applied Biosystems StepOne™Plus™ Real-Time PCR Systems (Applied Biosystems CA, USA). PCR amplification of various genes was normalized to the average Ct value of the housekeeping gene GAPDH. Primer sequences are listed in Table 1. GAPDH was chosen as an internal control because there was no difference in GAPDH expression between wild-type and U19/EAF2 knockout prostate in the microarray data. Also GAPDH has been used as a normalization control in prostate research [33]. Each experimental sample was assayed in triplicate.

Table 1.

The list of genes and primer sequences used for RT-PCR analysis

ID Symbol Entrez gene name Direction Sequence
1422651_at Adipoq adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing Forward 5′- TGTTCCTCTTAATCCTGCCCA
1428944_at Ube1l2 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 6 Forward 5′- GAG CCT GCG GTG CAA GTA A
1425032_at Abpb androgen binding protein beta Forward 5′- GCA TGT GCT CCT TTT GTC GG
1419554_at CD47 CD47 antigen Forward 5′- TGC GGT TCA GCT CAA CTA CTG
1449676_at Rab2 RAB2A, member RAS oncogene family Forward 5′- GCG ACA CAG GTG TTG GTA AAT
1449028_at Rhou ras homolog gene family, member U Forward 5′- GGC TAC CCC ACC GAG TAC AT
1435831_at UPK IB uroplakin 1B Forward 5′- CAC TGT TCG TTG CTT CCA GG
1450849_at hnRNP heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U Forward ATG AGT TCT TCG CCT GTT AAT GT
1449405_at Tensin tensin 1 Forward 5′- GTT TCT CCA AGC ATA CAG CCA
1460302_at THBS1 thrombospondin 1 Forward 5′- GGG GAG ATA ACG GTG TGT TTG
1448556_at PRLR prolactin receptor Forward 5′- GGG GAG ATA ACG GTG TGT TTG
M32599 GAPDH glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Forward 5′-AGG TCG GTG TGA ACG GAT TTG

Western Blot of Mouse Tissue

Protein lysates were obtained from freshly isolated individual mouse liver and prostate tissues. Animal tissues were homogenized by a hand homogenizer, Kontes® Pellet Pestle®/Cordless Motor (Fisher, USA) in RIPA lysis buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1 % (v/v) NP-40, 0.1 % SDS, 0.25 % sodium deoxycholate, 1 mM sodium orthovanadate, 1 mM PMSF, 1:100 dilution of protease inhibitor cocktail (P8340, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Protein concentration was determined by BCA Protein Assay (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL). The whole cell lysate (WCL) (45 ug/lane) were boiled in SDS sample buffer, separated on a NEXT GEL™ 10 % (Amresco) under reducing conditions, and then transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane. Blotted proteins were probed with antibodies as follows: Phospho-p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) (Thr202/Tyr204) antibody (1:1000, #9101), p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) antibody (1:1000, #9102, Cell Signaling Technology) and followed with HRP (Horseradish peroxidase) labeled secondary antibodies (Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Signals were visualized using chemiluminescence (ECL™ Western Blotting Detection Reagents®, GE Healthcare) and were exposed to X-ray film (Fuji film).

Immunohistochemical Analyses

Tissue specimens from 3 month-old male mice were frozen in OCT (Tissue Tek, Sakura Finetechnical USA, Torrance, CA) immediately after dissection and stored at −80 °C. Serial 5 μm sections were fixed in cold acetone and processed for immunohistochemistry. Sections were incubated with rabbit polyclonal Phospho-p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) (Thr202/Tyr204) antibody (1:1000, #9101, Cell Signaling Technology) or rabbit polyclonal p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) antibody (1:1000, #9102, Cell Signaling Technology) at room temperature for 1 h. Antigen was localized using HRP-conjugated anti- rabbit IgG (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) as the secondary antibody and diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride as the chromagen. Negative control experiments were performed using goat or rat IgG as primary antibody. The sections were lightly counterstained with hematoxylin.

Statistical Analysis

All values represent the mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Statistical significance between paired data was assessed by unpaired Student’s t test and any p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Microarray Analysis of Genes Differentially Expressed in the Ventral Prostate of U19/EAF2 Knockout Mouse

To identify target genes of U19/EAF2, we performed cDNA microarray analysis of the ventral prostate from wild-type and U19/EAF2 knockout mice at 3 months of age. On a C57BL/6J background, U19/EAF2 knockout mice displayed no histological abnormality in the prostate at this age (Ai et al., in revision). Thus, all changes are unlikely to be secondary to pathological changes in the knockout prostate. Due to an extremely small sample setup (n = 1, pooled from five animals), appropriate bioinformatics strategies were necessary. Methods to deal with such special situations exist and we used the HTself2 method [27] with small modifications. The idea behind this method is to guide fold-change cutoff selection, an arbitrary, but necessary, step to define the differentially expressed genes, with experimental data that estimates the natural inter-mice genetic noise in gene expression measurements. In order to estimate this background noise we performed six independent biological replicates of wild type (WT) mice and assessed their gene expression. Although the statistical method was originally designed for ratio-based two-color microarray, we adapted our results to take advantage of it by simply creating virtual experiments taking all possible combinations from the 6 WT expression profiles (WT1 vs WT2, WT1 vs WT3, …, WT6 vs WT5) similarly as carried out in Pascal et al. [2628]. The probability density distribution of the log fold-change obtained with this strategy can then be used to derive a statistically consistent cutoff criteria for differential expression finding in the knockout vs wild type experiment (KO/WT) (Fig. 1a). In small sample scenarios it is important to be overly conservative, therefore, the significance figures (p-values) found with the modified Cortez et al. [23] method were also corrected for multiple testing issues with the highly stringent Bonferroni correction [34] (Fig. 1b). We found that a 2.5-fold change cutoff corresponded to Bonferroni-corrected p-values of less than 0.01 so this threshold was applied to define up-regulated (KO/WT > 2.5) and down-regulated (KO/WT < 1/2.5) genes (Fig. 1c, Table 2).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

HTself2 analysis of microarray data. a. Self-self empirical probability density distribution. Virtual log ratios (M) where derived from all possible pairwise combinations among 6 independent wild type experiments analyzing gene expression in the ventral prostate at age 3 month. Fold-changes greater than 2-fold (M > 1 or M < −1) have a very small probability of happening (<0.0001) due by chance alone considering the intrinsic inter-animal genetic noise. b. Interchange between statistical significance and fold-chance cutoffs. Statistical significance thresholds (p-value) can be mapped directly to equivalent fold-change cutoffs to define differentially expressed genes in the knockout vs wild type experiment. The horizontal red line represents a traditional 0.01 significance cutoff after multiple testing correction by the stringent Bonferroni method. A 2.5-fold change cutoff criteria would be equivalent to a corrected p-value smaller than 0.01. c. MA-plot showing the knockout (KO) vs wild type (WT) experiment. Virtual log ratios (M) remain stable around zero (KO/WT = 1) along all average log intensity (A) scale. Horizontal red lines represent fold-change cutoffs (KO/WT > 2.5-fold or KO/WT < 1/2.5) presenting multiple testing adjusted p-values < 0.01 and, therefore, define the differentially expressed genes

Table 2.

Differentially expressed genes in wild-type and U19/EAF2 knockout ventral prostate

ID WT intensity KO intensity log2(KO/WT) Fold-change KO vs WT Diff expr Gene name
1416497_at 1364.2 3584.2 1.39 2.6 KO > WT protein disulfide isomerase associated 4
1417225_at 913.2 2773.2 1.6 3 KO > WT ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 5
1417594_at 333.9 967.7 1.54 2.9 KO > WT G kinase anchoring protein 1
1417867_at 170.9 629.2 1.88 3.7 KO > WT complement factor D (adipsin)
1418666_at 33.9 99.6 1.55 2.9 KO > WT pentraxin related gene
1419554_at 372.1 939.8 1.34 2.5 KO > WT CD47 antigen (Rh-related antigen, integrin-associated signal transducer)
1419946_s_at 408.9 1083.9 1.41 2.7 KO > WT predicted gene 5865; RAB2A, member RAS oncogene family
1420037_at 780.4 2270.4 1.54 2.9 KO > WT ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit, isoform 1
1420125_at 30.3 172 2.51 5.7 KO > WT T-cell leukemia translocation altered gene
1421163_a_at 371.3 2100.2 2.5 5.7 KO > WT nuclear factor I/A
1421636_at 37.8 120.8 1.68 3.2 KO > WT TBC1 domain family, member 8B
1422142_at 141.5 365.9 1.37 2.6 KO > WT nephrosis 1 homolog, nephrin (human)
1422651_at 13.8 255.5 4.21 19 KO > WT adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing
1423420_at 25 64.8 1.37 2.6 KO > WT adrenergic receptor, beta 1
1424101_at 503.7 1278.3 1.34 2.5 KO > WT heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L
1425032_at 653.3 1851.5 1.5 2.8 KO > WT androgen binding protein beta
1428944_at 421.4 1505.4 1.84 3.6 KO > WT ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 6
1431638_at 53.7 145.4 1.44 2.7 KO > WT RIKEN cDNA 4930592A05 gene
1432372_a_at 177.7 523.4 1.56 2.9 KO > WT sepiapterin reductase
1433078_at 9.7 81.7 3.07 8.4 KO > WT RIKEN cDNA 5830435N06 gene
1434987_at 175.1 819 2.23 4.7 KO > WT aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial
1434988_x_at 204.5 647.5 1.66 3.2 KO > WT aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial
1435679_at 265.9 673.9 1.34 2.5 KO > WT optineurin
1438120_x_at 728.3 1907.3 1.39 2.6 KO > WT interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1
1438219_at 87.9 325.6 1.89 3.7 KO > WT similar to hCG45299; purine rich element binding protein A
1438309_at 209.5 613 1.55 2.9 KO > WT activin A receptor, type IC
1438562_a_at 1250 3547.9 1.51 2.8 KO > WT protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 2
1439224_at 187.2 485.4 1.37 2.6 KO > WT ankyrin repeat and IBR domain containing 1
1439260_a_at 494.3 1256.2 1.35 2.5 KO > WT ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 3
1439263_at 63.6 163.1 1.36 2.6 KO > WT hypothetical LOC14210
1441830_x_at 10.9 69.3 2.67 6.4 KO > WT A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 10
1446291_at 25.9 70.1 1.44 2.7 KO > WT RIKEN cDNA 9330175H22 gene
1447996_at 548.2 1532.2 1.48 2.8 KO > WT expressed sequence AI848149
1448068_at 120.3 331.6 1.46 2.8 KO > WT sterol O-acyltransferase 1
1448503_at 9654.6 24560 1.35 2.5 KO > WT similar to myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1; myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1
1448761_a_at 438.7 1188.7 1.44 2.7 KO > WT coatomer protein complex, subunit gamma 2
1449114_at 77.5 194.4 1.33 2.5 KO > WT serine/threonine kinase 3 (Ste20, yeast homolog)
1449434_at 233.9 1278.2 2.45 5.5 KO > WT carbonic anhydrase 3
1449681_at 170.2 483 1.5 2.8 KO > WT hepatoma-derived growth factor
1450232_at 26.9 82.6 1.62 3.1 KO > WT X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis
1451285_at 905.5 2620.4 1.53 2.9 KO > WT fusion, derived from t(12;16) malignant liposarcoma (human)
1452124_at 1915.1 5358.9 1.48 2.8 KO > WT ankyrin 3, epithelial
1454278_at 209.1 545.3 1.38 2.6 KO > WT RIKEN cDNA A430105D02 gene
1454634_at 64.1 194.1 1.6 3 KO > WT fucokinase
1455381_at 210.2 965.8 2.2 4.6 KO > WT hypothetical protein LOC100045622; RIKEN cDNA 4921513D23 gene
1456505_at 1089.1 3046.2 1.48 2.8 KO > WT Braf transforming gene
1456843_at 133 518.9 1.96 3.9 KO > WT Yamaguchi sarcoma viral (v-yes) oncogene homolog 1
1456961_at 117.9 302.4 1.36 2.6 KO > WT enhancer of yellow 2 homolog (Drosophila); predicted gene 16373
1459882_at 52.3 143.9 1.46 2.8 KO > WT ASF1 anti-silencing function 1 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
1425191_at 210.2 79.1 −1.41 2.7 WT > KO occludin/ELL domain containing 1
1443220_at 315.3 81.1 −1.96 3.9 WT > KO reticulon 3
1442846_at 572.3 142.7 −2 4 WT > KO pre B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1; region containing RIKEN cDNA 2310056B04 gene; pre B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1
1459309_at 45.4 17.3 −1.39 2.6 WT > KO RUN and FYVE domain containing 3
1455956_x_at 189.3 72.6 −1.38 2.6 WT > KO cyclin D2
1443077_at 401.9 121.9 −1.72 3.3 WT > KO hypothetical protein LOC100043982; RIKEN cDNA 1700081L11 gene
1432134_at 56 1.3 −5.43 43 WT > KO methyltransferase like 4, pseudogene 1
1446196_at 34.7 9.4 −1.88 3.7 WT > KO predicted gene 7996; high mobility group AT-hook 2
1434497_at 166.2 59.1 −1.49 2.8 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA 4933431E20 gene
1446149_at 260.6 73.2 −1.83 3.6 WT > KO protein phosphatase 3, catalytic subunit, beta isoform
1435061_at 705.3 234.1 −1.59 3 WT > KO nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 11; nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 10
1427217_at 69 25.9 −1.41 2.7 WT > KO zinc finger protein 455
1435415_x_at 117.5 36.3 −1.69 3.2 WT > KO MARCKS-like 1; predicted gene 9106
1441724_at 283.7 113.3 −1.32 2.5 WT > KO stromal antigen 1
1459398_at 231.8 88.3 −1.39 2.6 WT > KO pellino 1
1433288_at 76.7 18.7 −2.04 4.1 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA 1520401O13 gene
1435831_at 1969 408.8 −2.27 4.8 WT > KO uroplakin 1B
1455464_x_at 1735.9 415.6 −2.06 4.2 WT > KO uroplakin 1B
1428492_at 155.5 46.1 −1.75 3.4 WT > KO GLI pathogenesis-related 2
1433944_at 111.9 40.4 −1.47 2.8 WT > KO HECT domain containing 2
1457348_at 1313.1 421.5 −1.64 3.1 WT > KO ADP-ribosylation factor 4
1440314_at 474.4 187.7 −1.34 2.5 WT > KO thyroid hormone receptor interactor 12
1444125_at 434.2 61.7 −2.82 7 WT > KO BEN domain containing 6
1455164_at 560 100.1 −2.48 5.6 WT > KO CDC42 GTPase-activating protein
1450849_at 7353.3 2719.9 −1.43 2.7 WT > KO heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U
1456834_at 102.5 37.2 −1.46 2.8 WT > KO ring finger protein 144B
1450457_at 282.9 78.7 −1.85 3.6 WT > KO similar to Casitas B-lineage lymphoma; Casitas B-lineage lymphoma
1444951_at 552.5 192.7 −1.52 2.9 WT > KO DENN/MADD domain containing 1B
1456078_x_at 267 84.4 −1.66 3.2 WT > KO tubulin, beta 2c, psuedogene 1; tubulin, beta 2C; tubulin, beta 2c, pseudogene 2
1458666_at 200 45.5 −2.14 4.4 WT > KO Rho GTPase activating protein 1; predicted gene 8514
1417055_at 4404.3 1187.6 −1.89 3.7 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA 0610009D07 gene
1455986_at 73 19.4 −1.91 3.8 WT > KO zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 17
1460066_at 993.6 310.5 −1.68 3.2 WT > KO expressed sequence C80889
1434730_at 122 47.3 −1.37 2.6 WT > KO expressed sequence AI854517
1452284_at 155.3 54.9 −1.5 2.8 WT > KO protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type Z, polypeptide 1
1460336_at 635.5 136.9 −2.21 4.6 WT > KO peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma, coactivator 1 alpha
1439902_at 66.5 4 −4.06 17 WT > KO complement component 5a receptor 1
1444692_at 98.9 22.4 −2.14 4.4 WT > KO EST AI316844
1457618_at 337.2 109.6 −1.62 3.1 WT > KO DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 6
1452027_a_at 129.4 46.1 −1.49 2.8 WT > KO transformation related protein 63
1430464_at 131.5 32.3 −2.03 4.1 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA 9430021M05 gene
1430472_at 36.1 5.1 −2.82 7.1 WT > KO armadillo repeat containing 1
1442918_at 190.5 46.5 −2.03 4.1 WT > KO neuron navigator 3
1424051_at 471.4 178.8 −1.4 2.6 WT > KO collagen, type IV, alpha 2
1460427_a_at 261.3 103.7 −1.33 2.5 WT > KO a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 28
1436968_x_at 990.6 381.6 −1.38 2.6 WT > KO kelch-like 24 (Drosophila)
1457343_at 315.3 102.7 −1.62 3.1 WT > KO adaptor-related protein complex AP-4, sigma 1
1447402_at 168.9 58.1 −1.54 2.9 WT > KO ataxin 1
1445066_at 121.8 29.8 −2.03 4.1 WT > KO tetratricopeptide repeat domain 7B
1441579_at 36 6.1 −2.56 5.9 WT > KO doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor like family A1
1435529_at 217.8 75.3 −1.53 2.9 WT > KO predicted gene 14446
1437311_at 1432.7 504.2 −1.51 2.8 WT > KO small nucleolar RNA host gene 11 (non-protein coding)
1449318_at 181.9 50.7 −1.84 3.6 WT > KO similar to Tubulin, gamma 2; tubulin, gamma 2
1436981_a_at 9813.1 2978.1 −1.72 3.3 WT > KO tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta polypeptide; predicted gene 4202
1448359_a_at 161.8 63 −1.36 2.6 WT > KO HIG1 domain family, member 1A
1458700_at 170.8 60.9 −1.49 2.8 WT > KO leucine rich repeat containing 8 family, member C
1447905_x_at 2642.3 1006.4 −1.39 2.6 WT > KO nucleoporin 62
1442867_at 335.6 97.1 −1.79 3.5 WT > KO multiple EGF-like-domains 11
1421868_a_at 146.1 56.3 −1.38 2.6 WT > KO pancreatic lipase
1443441_x_at 110.9 42.9 −1.37 2.6 WT > KO predicted gene 5141
1439847_s_at 149.5 41.9 −1.84 3.6 WT > KO Kruppel-like factor 12
1441764_at 144.8 57 −1.35 2.5 WT > KO PR domain containing 10
1459104_at 175.5 69.6 −1.33 2.5 WT > KO budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 3 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
1446736_at 184.9 62.2 −1.57 3 WT > KO MyoD family inhibitor domain containing
1440716_at 106.7 28.3 −1.91 3.8 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA 6430604M11 gene
1453593_at 183.5 70.2 −1.39 2.6 WT > KO vestigial like 3 (Drosophila)
1446421_at 151.7 57.6 −1.4 2.6 WT > KO schwannomin interacting protein 1
1433183_at 24.9 1.5 −4.05 17 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA 6720477C19 gene
1426095_a_at 270.4 103 −1.39 2.6 WT > KO tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 22
1431079_at 172.2 64.3 −1.42 2.7 WT > KO C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 2
1424507_at 77 21.1 −1.87 3.6 WT > KO Ras and Rab interactor 1
1421603_a_at 395.1 106.3 −1.89 3.7 WT > KO carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1; carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 2
1451870_a_at 117.7 40.1 −1.55 2.9 WT > KO bromodomain containing 4
1431306_at 97.5 13.4 −2.86 7.3 WT > KO 5′-nucleotidase, cytosolic III
1436713_s_at 78.8 26.6 −1.57 3 WT > KO maternally expressed 3
1441701_at 326.4 107.2 −1.61 3 WT > KO zinc finger protein 148
1443447_at 133.9 52.5 −1.35 2.6 WT > KO 5-azacytidine induced gene 2
1453371_at 438.4 174.5 −1.33 2.5 WT > KO regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 2
1429882_at 1621.2 632.3 −1.36 2.6 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA 6820431F20 gene
1445530_at 46.1 2.9 −3.99 16 WT > KO transmembrane protein 194B
1444279_at 668.1 229.4 −1.54 2.9 WT > KO HECT, UBA and WWE domain containing 1
1458832_at 176 68.7 −1.36 2.6 WT > KO growth hormone receptor
1452517_at 1086.2 369.7 −1.55 2.9 WT > KO pleckstrin homology domain containing, family H (with MyTH4 domain) member 1
1425847_a_at 148.2 51.1 −1.54 2.9 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA B230120H23 gene
1438662_at 93.1 20.9 −2.16 4.5 WT > KO adherens junction associated protein 1
1425934_a_at 671.3 128.8 −2.38 5.2 WT > KO UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 4
1422140_at 163 46.2 −1.82 3.5 WT > KO similar to putative G-protein coupled receptor; predicted gene 2635; component of Sp100-rs; predicted gene 2666; predicted gene 7582; predicted gene 7592; predicted gene 7609
1443239_at 138.6 47 −1.56 2.9 WT > KO microtubule-associated protein 2
1421916_at 381 144 −1.4 2.6 WT > KO platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide
1419971_s_at 4010.9 1451.2 −1.47 2.8 WT > KO solute carrier family 35, member A5
1419972_at 434.2 98 −2.15 4.4 WT > KO solute carrier family 35, member A5
1448346_at 3281.1 1193.2 −1.46 2.7 WT > KO cofilin 1, non-muscle; similar to Cofilin-1 (Cofilin, non-muscle isoform); predicted gene 6180
1419021_at 55.1 4.5 −3.61 12 WT > KO mcf.2 transforming sequence
1434958_at 95.8 35.5 −1.43 2.7 WT > KO sacsin
1433382_at 217.5 77.5 −1.49 2.8 WT > KO energy homeostasis associated
1446512_at 214 85.2 −1.33 2.5 WT > KO predicted gene 5909; zinc finger CCCH-type containing 15
1432298_at 196 68.6 −1.51 2.9 WT > KO RIKEN cDNA 4921508M14 gene
1446095_at 217.3 53.9 −2.01 4 WT > KO antisense Igf2r RNA
1445453_at 270.3 91 −1.57 3 WT > KO helicase with zinc finger domain
1452494_s_at 75.6 29.5 −1.36 2.6 WT > KO solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1b2
1442833_at 837.4 144.8 −2.53 5.8 WT > KO DNA segment, Chr 15, ERATO Doi 30, expressed
1447049_at 112.7 34.8 −1.7 3.2 WT > KO IQ motif and WD repeats 1
1441283_at 325.7 112 −1.54 2.9 WT > KO cyclin Y; similar to cyclin fold protein 1
1434067_at 267.8 78.7 −1.77 3.4 WT > KO expressed sequence AI662270
1434068_s_at 290.4 49.6 −2.55 5.9 WT > KO expressed sequence AI662270
1422313_a_at 540.1 213.1 −1.34 2.5 WT > KO insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5
1449405_at 2035.8 731.6 −1.48 2.8 WT > KO tensin 1
1425555_at 164.7 45 −1.87 3.7 WT > KO CDC2-related kinase, arginine/serine-rich
1420073_s_at 176.4 64.8 −1.44 2.7 WT > KO gb:C78041 EST
1443347_at 99.8 37 −1.43 2.7 WT > KO gb:BG063775 EST
1444498_at 147.3 52.9 −1.48 2.8 WT > KO gb:BM116117 EST
1444591_at 316.8 71.1 −2.16 4.5 WT > KO gb:AI429418 EST
1445902_at 139.1 40.7 −1.77 3.4 WT > KO gb:BG076325 EST
1457122_at 342.7 122.1 −1.49 2.8 WT > KO gb:BB209527 EST
1458257_at 109.4 40.7 −1.43 2.7 WT > KO gb:BM196689 EST

Several genes identified as down-regulated in the U19/EAF2 murine prostate have been reported to play roles in the extracellular matrix of the tumor microenvironment, notably a 2.5-fold decrease in a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 28 (ADAM28), a 7.3-fold decrease in bromodomain containg 4 (BRD4), a 2.7-fold decrease in occludin (OCLN) and a 2.6-fold decrease in collagen IV (COL4A2). ADAM28 can bind to the integrin α4β1, suggesting a potential adhesive and proteolytic role inflammatory and immune processes [35]. The bromodomain containing 4 (BRD4) gene has been shown to regulate the expression extra-cellular matrix-related genes and inhibit metastasis in breast cancer [36]. Occludin is a tight junction protein that has been associated with loss of polarity in prostate cancer cells [37]. Collagen IV is the major component of the basement membrane and the C-terminal portion of the protein, known as canstatin, is an inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth [38]. Disrupted EAF2 regulation of these genes could promote changes in the extracellular matrix thereby contributing to prostate tumor development and progression.

qPCR in a different set of WT and KO mice (n = 3) at 3 months of age was used to validate that genes identified by cDNA microarray were indeed up- or down-regulated by U19/EAF2 knockout in the mouse prostate. The following genes: Adipoq (* p = 0.006), Ube1l2 (* p = 0.01), Abpb (* p = 0.01), CD47 (* p = 0.006), Rab2 (* p = 0.04), Rhou (* p = 0.05), Uroplakin iB (* p = 0.01), hnRNP (* p = 0.02), PRLR (* p = 0.05), Tesin (* p = 0.03), and Thbs1 (* p = 0.0004) were chosen randomly or because they encode products that are important in tumorigenesis for qPCR analysis, and p values were determined by comparing the U19/EAF2 knockout with wild-type (Fig. 2a). Fold changes from the microarray platforms were plotted versus the corresponding fold changes from qPCR (Fig. 2b), and Pearson correlation coefficient between microarray and qPCR results was 0.92, indicating high concordance among these independent biological replicates.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Concordance of microarray and qPCR gene expression analyses. a Bar chart of qPCR data results and corresponding array signals. Data were normalized to GAPDH. b Log-fold changes from the microarray platforms are plotted versus the corresponding fold changes from qPCR. R = 0.92. Genes 1–11 represent Adipoq, Ube1l2, Abpb, CD47, Rab2, Rhou, Uroplakin iB, hnRNP, Tesin, Thbs1, and PRLR, respectively

Gene Ontology and KEGG Pathway Analysis of U19/EAF2 Downstream Genes

The known functional classification of differentially expressed genes was analyzed for significant enrichment with respect to various functional categories using the DAVID annotation tool [32] (, which examines all the functions represented by each gene in a list of genes and identifies groups that are functionally related. The over-represented ontology-based classification groups form the basis for identifying functional processes represented in the change of state induced by U19/EAF2 loss. The major biological themes among the up-regulated and down-regulated genes are shown in (Additional File 1). The enrichment of functional categories phosphoprotein, acetylation, phosphate metabolic process, phosphorus metabolic process and phosphorylation was prominent in both up-regulated and down-regulated genes in U19/EAF2 ko vs WT. Notable differences found included enrichment of nucleotide binding, cytoplasm, ATP-binding, death, and apoptosis in up-regulated genes; and alternative splicing, splice variant, nucleus, positive regulation of transcription and gene expression and intracellular signaling cascade in down-regulated genes. One notable gene in the phosphoprotein category was the down-regulated gene Ras and Rab interactor 1 (RIN1). RIN1 is a known RAS effector that has been shown to mediate actin remodeling associated with adhesion and migration of epithelial cells [39]. In this study, knockdown of RIN1 in MCF10A cells enhanced cell migration significantly. Reduced expression of RIN1 in the EAF2 knockout model may also contribute to the disruption of the RAS signaling pathway.

Up-Regulation of RAS-BRAF Signaling and Phosphorylated ERK in Response to U19/EAF2 Loss

Since U19/EAF2 is a tumor suppressor, we were particularly interested in identifying its downstream genes relevant to carcinogenesis. KEGG pathways identified using DAVID in differentially expressed genes are listed in Table 3. BRAF was listed in three of the identified pathways: MAPK signaling pathway, focal adhesion and pathways in cancer. BRAF (1456505_at) encodes a protein belonging to the raf/mil family of serine/threonine protein kinases and plays a role in regulating the MAPK/ERKs signaling pathway, which affect cell division, differentiation, and secretion. Since BRAF is a key regulator in the RAS and p-ERK signaling pathway and elevated ERK pathway is associated with prostate cancer progression [7, 1719], we verified BRAF mRNA up-regulation by U19/EAF2 knockout in 3-month old mouse prostate by qPCR (Fig. 3a, *** p < 0.001). We also tested the effect of U19/EAF2 knockout on BRAF expression in the liver and lung because these two organs developed malignant tumors in U19/EAF2 knockout mice [26]. As expected, BRAF mRNA levels in U19/EAF2 knockout lung (** p < 0.01) and liver (* p < 0.05) (Fig. 3b) were significantly increased compared to wild-type. Elevated p-ERK signal is associated with increased RAS-BRAF cascade signaling. Activation of pathway intermediates such as RAS and BRAF as RAS and BRAF lead to activation of ERK signaling [4044]. Western Blot analysis showed that total ERK protein levels were not changed in the knockout organs but phosphorylated ERK levels were increased in the ventral prostates and livers of the knockout mice (Fig. 3c), validating the elevated p-ERK level in the knockout prostate and liver (Fig. 3d). Figure 4 summarizes the effects of U19/EAF2 loss on the p-ERK signaling pathway identified by microarray and verified by qPCR and western blot analyses.

Table 3.

KEGG pathways identified by DAVID analysis of differentially expressed genes in the U19/EAF2 knockout ventral prostate

Rank KEGG pathway name Genes % P-value
1 Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis HUWE1, XIAP, CBL, TRIP12, UBA6 3.3 0.02
2 MAPK signaling pathway BRAF, ACVRIC, PDGFRA, PPP3CB, STK3, ZAK 3.9 0.04
3 Focal adhesion BRAF, XIAB, COL4A2, CCND2, PDGFRA 3.3 0.06
4 Cell cycle BUB3, CCND2, STAG1, GM4202 2.6 0.07
5 Pathways in cancer BRAF, XIAP, ALVRIC, COL4A2, PDGFRA, CBL 3.9 0.09

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Effect of U19/EAF2 knockout on the expression of BRAF mRNA and p-ERK in the mouse model. a. qPCR analysis of the BRAF mRNA levels in anterior prostate (AP) and ventral prostate (VP) and b. lung and liver of U19/EAF2 knockout and wild-type control mice.. Data were normalized to GAPDH, (n = 3). c. Western blot analysis of phosphorylated ERK, pERK(p44/42), in U19/EAF2 knockout and wild-type mouse tissues. Images shown are representative blots for ERK, pERK and GAPDH from ventral prostates and liver lysates of individual U19/EAF2 knockout and wild-type control mice. d. Intensity of p-ERK in /EAF2 knockout and wild-type mouse tissues. Band densities in the Western blots were analyzed with IMAGEJ (National Institutes of Health) and normalized against GAPDH. Data represent the mean ± SEM; * p < 0.05. ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 versus WT

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Effect of U19/EAF2 knockout on ERK pathway in the murine prostate. Genes up-regulated upon U19/EAF2 knockout are colored in peach. Color intensity is used to indicate the degree of up-regulation, with light peach color for less up-regulation and darker peach color for more up-regulation. Solid arrows indicate positive regulation; solid purple lines indicate protein binding


Androgens play an important role in maintaining prostate homeostasis [45, 46]. Disruption of prostatic homeostasis may lead to abnormal prostate growth and/or carcinogenesis. However, the mechanisms of androgen-regulated prostatic homeostasis are poorly understood. U19/EAF2 represents one important androgen-responsive gene involved in prostate homeostasis, because U19/EAF2 knockout prostate exhibited elevated cell proliferation [26]. U19/EAF2 also plays an important role in the regulation of TSP1 [47]. TSP-1 expression is inhibited in a large number of tumors, including breast and androgen-dependent prostate carcinomas in which there is an inverse correlation between TSP1 expression and microvessel density [4850]. In addition to the increased incidence in mPIN lesions, the EAF2 knockout mouse prostate is also characterized by increased microvessel density and stromal inflammation [51]. These studies suggest that EAF2 loss impacts not only epithelial cell proliferation but also the surrounding stroma and vasculature. Identification of pathways regulated by U19/EAF2 using cDNA microarray provides mechanistic insights into U19/EAF2 action as well as androgen action in the prostate microenvironment.

Bioinformatics analysis using DAVID software revealed multiple pathways associated with and potential disease relevance of genes that are differentially regulated in U19/EAF2 knockout prostate (Additional File 1, Table 3). Many of the U19/EAF2 downstream genes are involved in mRNA transcription and mRNA transcription regulation, suggesting that U19/EAF2 can regulate mRNA transcription directly as a transcription factor and/or a transcription elongation factor as well as indirectly through up- or down-regulating genes capable of modulating transcription. U19/EAF2 modulation of mRNA transcription is supported by the identification of more than 100 differentially-regulated mRNA transcripts. Identification of genes involved in protein phosphorylation and modification as well as proteolysis suggests a role for U19/EAF2 in the regulation of various signaling pathways at the protein levels, which was substantiated by the elevated phosphorylation of ERK in the U19/EAF2 knockout prostate (Fig. 3). Interestingly, U19/EAF2 knockout also affects genes involved in the metabolism of nucleoside, nucleotide, and nucleic acid, suggesting a potential role for U19/EAF2 in the regulation of metabolism. The above observations provided evidence for U19/EAF2 regulation of biological processes at levels of mRNA, protein and metabolism.

According to KEGG pathway analysis, the biological processes affected by U19/EAF2 knockout are most relevant to cancer, reproductive system diseases, cell death, and cell cycle (Additional File 1, Table 3). This finding is consistent with the observation that U19/EAF2 knockout mouse exhibited tumor development in multiple organs, defects in reproductive systems including testes and the prostate, elevated cell death in testes, and elevated cell proliferation in the prostate [26, 52]. Toxicity analysis revealed the relevance of U19/EAF2 downstream genes with diseases in the liver and heart multiple times, which again agrees with the phenotypes observed in the U19/EAF2 knockout mice, particularly hepatocellular carcinoma, elevated angiogenesis in the liver and heart enlargement. The identification of U19/EAF2 downstream genes will provide a strong foundation to explore the molecular mechanisms underlining various phenotypes caused by U19/EAF2 knockout.

As a potential transcription factor/transcription elongation factor regulated by androgens, U19/EAF2 may mediate androgen-induced expression of some androgen-responsive genes. A search for androgen responsive genes [53] identified 2 androgen-responsive genes differentially expressed in U19/EAF2 knockout prostate. X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), which was identified by KEGG pathway analysis in ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, focal adhesion and pathways in cancer, was up-regulated 3.1-fold in U19/EAF2 knockout prostate. XIAP is down-regulated by androgens in normal prostate epithelial cells [54]. Serine/threonine kinase 3 (STK3), was up-regulated 2.5-fold in U19/EAF2 knockout prostate. STK3 is a MAPK signaling pathway gene that is up-regulated in response to androgens in human breast cancer cells [55]. These observations suggest a role for U19/EAF2 in mediating androgen regulation of gene expression in the prostate. Since U19/EAF2 is a putative DNA-binding transcription factor, its regulation of downstream genes may involve direct binding of U19/EAF2 to the promoter/enhance regions of these targeted genes. However, it is also possible that U19/EAF2 can enhance transcription elongation. Further studies will be required to determine the mechanism by which U19/EAF2 controls the expression of its downstream genes.

Identification of the RAS-BRAF-MEK-ERK cascade as a downstream target of U19/EAF2 in the prostate provides new insights into the mechanism associate with tumorigenesis in U19/EAF2 knockout mice (Fig. 4). Multiple genes, GRB2, PI3K, RHOU, RAB2, BRAF and RREB-1, were up-regulated in U19/EAF2 knockout prostate, suggesting coordinated regulation of this important pathway by U19/EAF2. Elevated phosphorylation of ERK in the U19/EAF2 knockout prostate confirmed the activation of RAS-BRAF-MEK-ERK signaling upon U19/EAF2 deletion. The activation of this pathway was not limited to the prostate, because ERK phosphorylation was also significantly enhanced in the liver of U19/EAF2 knockout mice (Fig. 3). Since abnormal activation of RAS-BRAF-MEK-ERK is often associated with and functionally important in tumorigenesis, activation of this pathway is likely a key step leading to tumorigenesis in U19/EAF2 knockout mice.

In summary, this study revealed multiple pathways regulated by U19/EAF2 in the prostate and identified RAS-BRAF-MEK-ERK pathway as a downstream target of U19/EAF2. Bioinformatic analysis of U19/EAF2 downstream genes showed the functional relevance of U19/EAF2 regulated pathways with cancer, liver diseases, cardiac abnormality, and defects in reproductive system, which was observed in U19/EAF2 knockout mice [26, 52]. These observations argue that these U19/EAF2 downstream pathways are likely mediating U19/EAF2 function in vivo, with the RAS-BRAF-MEK-ERK signaling as a potential key mediator of U19/EAF2 knockout induced tumorigenesis.

Electronic supplementary material

Additional File 1 (51.5KB, xls)

Functional categories enriched in differentially expressed genes in U19/EAF2 knockout ventral prostate. (XLS 51 kb)


This study was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants R37 DK51193, R01 CA 108675, and P50 CA90386 and the Tippins Foundation (LEP). This project used the UPCI Animal Facility and was supported in part by award P30CA047904. We also thank Junkui Ai and Liquan Cai for critical reading.

Disclosure Summary

The authors have nothing to disclose.


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Associated Data

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Supplementary Materials

Additional File 1 (51.5KB, xls)

Functional categories enriched in differentially expressed genes in U19/EAF2 knockout ventral prostate. (XLS 51 kb)

Articles from Cancer Microenvironment are provided here courtesy of Springer Science+Business Media B.V.