Figure 4. The optimal distances between the sites of Sic1 are critical for its degradation in vivo.
(a) The viability assay overexpressing Sic1 versions containing a set of phosphorylation sites T33-T45-T48-S76-S80. The position of the priming site T33 was shifted by 2 amino acid steps upstream and downstream of its original position. Because the strain expressing T33-T45-T48-S76-S80-Sic1 grows slightly slower compared with the strain expressing wild type Sic1, the colonies were grown for a longer time compared with the assay presented below in panel ‘b’ involving the wild type version of Sic1; (b) Similar viability assay as in ‘a’ showing the effect of shifting the position of a critical di-phosphodegron T45-T48 in context of wild type Sic1.