Figure 3.
A. Localization of the analyzed human GDNF gene polymorphisms. Exons are labeled by filled boxes, the approximate position of the studied SNPs by filled triangles. SNPs showing significant association with anxiety after correction for multiple testing are in bold. ATG 1,2,3 and 4: alternative start sites, TGA: stop signal. B. Fine map of the genomic location of GDNF isoforms. Chromosomal positions of exons in each transcription variant are indicated at the bottom. (Please note, that introns are longer than they appear in the figure.) Arrows pointing up indicate the start and stop codons of open reading frames in each isoform. Chromosomal localization of rs3812047 and rs3096140 are shown on the top. Distance between exon 1 of variant 2 and rs3812047 is 99 bp, whereas exon 2 is 474 bp away from the polymorphic locus. Similarly, distance between exon 2 of isoform 1 or 3 and rs3096140 is 1915 bp, and exon 3 is 16596 bp away from the SNP.