Figure 1. Detection of abnormalities in the granulocytic maturation: plots found in a normal BM on the left and those in a case of RCMD on the right (combination: CD16/CD11b/CD45/CD13).
The granulocytic population was selected on the SSC/CD45 plot (A). The four differentiation stages are distinguishable based on the expression of CD11b, CD16 and CD13 (B–D: orange: promyelocytes; green: myelocytes; purple: metamyelocytes and blue: mature neutrophils). Maturing granulocytes show an abnormal decreased granularity demonstrated by a low SSC (A). Increase of a uniform population with the phenotype CD11blow/CD13low/CD16− (promyelocytes) with a gap of maturation between them and myelocytes. Abnormally high expression of CD13 in myelocytes and metamyelocytes (C and D).